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  • Tags: Environment
Dear next President,<BR>I think you should stop people from cutting down trees and start growing plants.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Javi, age 7
Dear Barack,<BR>I noticed that your environmental talk is trivial and not up to the necessity implied in the sixth extinction that we face. For instance, we can prove mediating the sixth extinction requires million square kilometer responses at…
Dear President,<BR>Please do something about global warming. Perhaps you can find an economic benefit that will suit all Americans as well as future generations.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Griffin Horvath
Dear Future President,<br>As a foreigner visiting the US I'm often amazed by how polarized in political and other oppinions this country seems to be.I will call on you in your first 100 days in office to try to build bridges between different…
Jill Stein,<br>What is the color of the invisible candidate? Green. How can we make them seen? Scream or whisper. Yes a whisper should do it. But only with the right words. Everyone should, nay has to, vote, but you don't have to choose.
Yo.<BR>We are four college students in California and we hope that you'll be better than Bush, in a number of ways. First, take care of the environment because it's our future. Second, take care of the people who have been neglected the past…
From Ava,<BR>I live in San Francisco and I am 2 years old. I don't totally understand what a president is, but I do know that I like to play outside in the sun. Please do something to keep our world a place where that is…
Dear President,<BR>I wish to say: shame on you. Shame on you for bringing the scorn of the world onto America. Shame on you for selling our forests and wild places to the highest bidder. Shame on you for the mess you've created in Iraq. I'm an…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I'm aware that there are not many things that directly have to do with you and your decisions, but I understand that you're in charge of putting aside land for preservation. I think that this is an issue that needs to be…
Hello George Bush,<BR>Think long and hard about the environment and remember you're a part of it.<BR>Daniel<BR>From Canada (in Atlanta)
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