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  • Tags: Republicans
Dear Mr. President,<br>First off, voting for you was one of the best days of my life. I am very happy that my son Henry was born in your administration and will enjoy 8 years under your guidance. I know that the Republican Priority is to kill…
To all the republican candidate.:<BR>STOP denying climate change<BR>Tom<BR>Ridgefield, CT
Dear Mr. President,<br>I don't want you to give in to eroding medicare and Social Security just because Republicans are trying to force your hand.<br>Thank you.<br>Sondra Diepen<br>Albuquerque
Dear President-elect Obama,<br>I really hope you can have a very bi-partisan administration with you as a strong leader and alleviate the ill will in America that exists today.<br>Sincerely,<br>Michael Cussen<br>Oakland,…
Dear Mr. President:<br>I look forward to the day that you leave office, should you need any help packing I will be there to help you pack.<br><br>A concerned Republican<br><br>Kate Fuhrer
Dear 2016 Presidential Candidate<br>My name is Christopher Burleson. I do not consent to be governed. The idea of government of the people, by the people, and for the people is a complete sham.<br>Please stop attempting to rule over…
Dear Mr. President,<br>Please stop trying to accommodate the Republican agenda and listen to those who elected you in the first place.<br>Sincerely,<br>Catherine Bell
Dear Mr. President,<br>I was sorry for some of the rude humor slandering you at the Republican convention. I'm a Republican, but support your leadership and especially appreciate your wise emphasis on community gardening. I leas a community…
Dear President,<br>If you are a real Republican you would protect Americans' rights first - including black Vietnam veterans who have to take a backseat to undocumented aliens when it comes to housing medical care, etc. etc.<br>It seems…
Dear President Clinton,<br>I hope you will have a lot more luck with the republicans than President Obama had.<br>Good Luck,<br>Anonymous
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