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  • Tags: Student loans
To the President,<BR>Congratulations! But I want you to be better than Bush. And I want the war to end, so we can stop sending our troops. And I want the gas prices to go down because they are extremely high. And want there to be more…
Dear Future President:<BR>Whatever you do, remember all the struggling college students who have the ability to cure cancer, transform technology, and create innovative changes in our society. Who can't reach their full potential because the…
Dear Future President:<BR>Whatever you do, remember all the struggling college students who have the ability to cure cancer, transfom technology, and create innovative changes in our society. Who can't reach their full potential because the…
Dear President,<br>Today's colleges and schools of higher education are playing the roles of pimps - pimps pushing eductation. And they also come in the form of loan shark bookies and instead of breaking my ankles and arms, they're breaking my…
To President Barack Obama,<BR>While it is important that we keep a focus on repairing our reputation with our neighbors around the world, it is also extremely important that we redirect our focus within our own country.<BR>As someone with…
Dear future president,<br>I would love to see many of the current issues resolved and brought to a peaceful resolution. There are so many negative things happening that need to be addressed (like Korea) If youm could make college more…
To the President,<BR>Stop top-loss. Support students and community service. And remember that while most of us have to struggle and fight to change the world, that's your job. Please don't make use work…
Dear Mr. President<br><br>I shook your hand in Iowa City. I appreciate you for decreasing my loan payment and making birth control free. How about forgiving the rest of my loan?<br><br>Thank you for everything you've done --a…
Dear presidental canidates,<br>Please dont forget about the 99%. Especially those of us who are educated by struggling to pay our college loans and finding a job.<br>Sincerely,<br>Luz M
Dear Bernie-<BR>I am a 25 year old student living in North Carolina, and currently paying my way through college. I just want to say I appreciate your efforts to make college free for all. Over the y ears, I have accumulated quite a biit of…
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