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  • Tags: Anti-war
Dear Obama,<BR>Which candidate do you believe will help the United States? To have z a better police system<BR>Dear Hilary Clinton,<BR>When you become president will you help us African Americans in need of a better society? Also…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>You seem to be in a really tight spot now. Please shed your leashes and be your own guy.<BR>Iraq was a really bad idea. But you'll never live that down.<BR>From a fellow Yalie,<BR>Henry…
Dear President,<br>Get the hell out of Iraq!<br>Most sincerely,<br>Perry Bard<br>New York

Dear Mr. President,<br>Bring the troups back from Iraq. The war is not justified. The threat from Iraq does not justify the preemptive strike.<br>Sincerely,<br>Peisung Tsai<br>New York
Dear Mr. President<br>Because of you, our best friend's brother has been sent to Kuwait for 5 years. He signed up to be a translator, bu he ended up where the fighting is. This is really taking a toll on his family. We find this war pointless…
Dear President,<br>Stop the war. It's unnecessary.<br>Sincerely,<br>Donald Broughton<br>New York

(cont)<BR>it is not fair, it is wrong and very immoral. I personally think that you should try to concentrate on the people in America before you go out and try to control someone else's country. Furthermore, I would like to thank you for your…
Dear Sir,<BR>I realize that hindsight gives on 20-20 vision. However, when you invaded Iraq, did you not consider that there would be lootin and rioting after the fact? Apparently your advisors knew diddle squat. Given the opportunity, if I…
Dear Mr. President, <BR>You took us to an illegal war, you have taken away our credibility in the world, and you have been taking away our freedoms. On Nov. 2, we'll take away your job.<BR>Sincerely,<BR><BR>George…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I would like to know why there are still so many American troops in Iraq. Every day, more and more get killed for what seems like no reason at all. We haven't found any weapons of mass destruction and we've caused quite a…


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