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  • Tags: Conversational
Dear Hillary,<BR>how are you????<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Sheryl Oring
Dear Presidentisl candidate,<BR>I would like toknow why you are thin someone who vehemently opposes all of your views, deserves the same amount of voting power as someone who completely agre with you.<BR>anonymous Jake
Dear Cassick,<BR>Sorry you arent doing well.<BR>I hope y u liked the New York cuisine.<BR>Sincerely,Emma Risley
Dear President Obama,<BR>Dear Hillary,<BR>Please repond to the letters that I have sent requesting your help in meeting my son in Isreal.
Hillary Clinton, I brought my five year old daughter to vote with mebut I realized with some irony that my daughter will never know a time where woman counld not be president. As I told her, she looked at me with this big ""so what?"" look, and…
Dear Mr. Trump,<BR>If you do not win in this election, will you consider running again in the future.? Will you consider running for another type of go vernment position, such as overnor, senator, representative,…
Dear President Trump,<BR>Even though I am alibertarian on the streets of New York City, I support DOnald Trump. My preference for whole milk is an example of why that is.
Dear Bernie,<BR>I am an international student at an American college. I wish to say that I want to get a job in the US withan extended student visa.<BR>Sincerkly,<BR>Dingling Zhong
Dear Mr. Obama,<BR>What does it look like in the White House? Do you have a dog?<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Jabari Age 7
Dear Obaminton;<BR>You rocked my world by expanding my perceptions of who can be President - even if you did borrow each other's words in the process.<BR>I love you both and I even love American again.<BR><BR>Love, Wendy
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