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  • Tags: Income inequality
Listen George,<BR>I'm an Alderman in the city of New Haven and I just can't understand you. You claim to be a concerned Christian gentleman and yet what you are doing to the poor people of this country is absolutely appalling. We have a steady…
Dear Bush,<br>My name is Anita Jones from Brooklyn, NY, and I feel like you're just hurting a lot of people. I have a lot of friends that are in the Army that are r eally young, black brothers and I don't think you pay my black brothers enough…
To whomeve i may conc ern:<BR>I think the world population as it grow, and the complexity of life, which gets more difficult for governments to deal with, is going to require a new economic, political and social soluti- if we are going to…
To the Future PResident,<BR>It's time for economic justice, particularly for those who work the hardest and are paid the least least. It's time to repay the debt to those whose ancestors have built the is country. As you know and may or may not…
Dear Hillary,<BR>It's clear that you are now the Democratic front runner. I urge you as president to overturn Citizens United. It is directly linked to the increasing wealth gap and the occurance of bought politicians.<BR>Let's get them…
Dear President,<BR>The people of the United States require a federally mandated living wage and guaranteed universal healthcare.<BR>Sincerely,<BR><BR>Robert Winslow<BR>Miami University
Dear Trunp and Clinton,<BR>Income inequality is destroying Americas greatness. Use your position to change this.
Dear Obama,<BR>I feel the current system is crooked and benefits the wealthy the most. My greatest concern is income inequality and America has one of the highest in the world.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Van Doan
Dear Obama,<BR>I feel the current system is crooked and benefits the wealthy the most. My greatest concern is income inequality and America has one of the highest in the world.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Van Doan
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