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  • Tags: Pro-War
Dear Madame or Sir,<BR>As I consider my vote in the 2008 election, the biggest thing on my mind is the war. I find it difficult to balance my feelings of genuine concern of America with my genuine concern for the safety and security of the…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I would like business to go more privately. And be more protective from the terrorists. We need freedom of religion. Be more peaceful in the world. Pay attention to people in all the corld. Be stronger for democracy.…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I'd like you to know that I support U.S. efforts in the war in Iraq. I feel our presence there is absolutely necessary for our continued freedom at home. I'm glad that we serve the same Lord. Thank you for being proud of…

Dear Mr. President,<br>If there is nothing else that you do well in office, remember to protect Israel and save human life.<br>Jodi Lightner<br>Wichita
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I would like to thank you for the awesome job you're doing. I totally support you and our troops. Thanks for all you have done for the American people and know that I will be voting for you in November and look forward to…
Dear Mr. President,<br>Getting out of the war at this point, I believe would be tragic. Withdrawal without victory is cowardice; freedom for all is victory. As the leader of the free world, we wish you…

Dear President Obama,<br>Congratulations and good luck. I also ask that you respect our troops and allow them to finish what they started. You have my respect and my support.<br>Sincerely,<br>Rachel Fortney<br>Loudoun County,…
Dear Mr. President,<br>Thank you very much for your courage, your faith, your leadership and guidance. And hopefully and prayerfully, we will win the war on terrorism and World World 3. Thanks again. God bless you, and your family.<br>A…
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