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  • Tags: Women's issues
Hillary Clinton, I brought my five year old daughter to vote with me but I realized with some irony that my daughter will never know a time where a woman could not be president. As I told her, she looked at me with this big 'so what?' look, and…
Dear Mr. Presidient,<br>I think that Roe v. Wade is the most important legislation de ling with women's right. I am very afraid that if you are re elected, you will get rid of roe v. wade. I f there is to be a semblance of gender qequalityin…
Dear Mr. President,<br>I would like to say that the American women in our society play a very important role in our country. I hope that you will respect our opinion and the power of our vote. We are one of the most important people that most…
Dear Hillary,<br>My childhood fantasy was to have a woman president. The lifelong feminist activism that has shaped my perspective is a legacy I inherited from my mother. I believe in our need for radical feminist movement as…
Dear Mr. President,<br>Thank you for all you have done for women in people in poverty. Keep up the great work!<br>Rebecca MacNair_Semands<br>Charlotte<br>Sept 2012
Dear Mr. President,<br>Thank you for working hard for social justice. Thank you for caring about the people. Thank you for standing up for women's issues. Thank you for standing up for gay rights. We need you for another four years. You are an…
Dear Mr. President,<br>Thank you for being pro-women, pro-LBGT, Pro-American, and pro-people. I am proud to vote for you in 2012.<br>Thank you,<br>Shelley DeLux
Dear Mr. President,<br>We are lucky that you are the president. I want to be the first girl president.<br>Sincerely,<br>Kate Lawson, age 8
Dear Mr. President,<br>Thank you for what you are trying to do to help women and the LGBT community.<br>Sincerely,<br>Jessica Injejiki
Dear Mr. President,<br>I am proud that you are president and I am proud of the strong women in your family. A good example for us all!<br>Beth and Bruce
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