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  • Tags: Youth
President,<BR>What's college like? I'm saving up pennies for college.<BR>from,<BR>Akhilesh, age 5<BR>New York City
Dear Barack <br> Thank you for making a difference and having a positive influence on the current generation and future generations to come. <br> Alex Kolin

Dear President Obama,<BR> My name is Alexander. I am 4. My guitar's name is Obama. We live in Raleigh and I live on Culpepper and Kennington. Thank you.<BR>From,<BR>Alexander

Dear next President,<BR>Hope you make the world better, so people can have more fun than ever. This world will be the best then.<BR>From,<BR>Andrew S., age 6

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Dear Madam Secretary,<BR>I wish you all the best with the coming election, and I believe that you will be our next president. With this in mind, I urge you to keep the health of our country's citizens at the top of your to-do list. Creating…

Dear next President,<BR>I just want to say that you are a good president. And I hope you make good decisions. If I ever get a thousand dollars, I will donate it to a school.<BR>From,<BR>Anna, age 8
Dear Mr. President,<BR>Hi. I'm 11 years old and I just wanted to write a postcard to you saying that I like cheese. Thank you.<BR>Anonymous<BR>from New York City

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Dear Mr. President,<BR>My name is Ashlyn. I like dogs. What do you like?<BR>from<BR>Ashlyn, age 7<BR>New York City

Dear Bush,<BR>I've been doing good in school. I had a 3 on my math test and a 3 on my reading test. I am so happy I'm going to 4th grade. I like my school very much.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Awa Bousse<BR>New York City
Dear Donald Trump,<BR>Youare mean.<BR>Bear, 7<BR>New York
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