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image by Carlos Morales

The UNCG Softball team saw many differences across their season because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Freshman Alina Varga provided a lot of insight into the methods of practice and play used to keep her and her team safe. With new ways to practice safely, as well as social distancing to the best effect, the coaches and players banded together to fight for another winning season. Despite feeling as though the team was more separated at times, making it hard to bond, Varga still feels a strong connection with her teammates and their ability to band together and persevere within the conference. 

All of the academic advisors, other coaches, they’re all super supportive of each and every one of us… My coaches push me to be the best version of me possible… They really focus on me and really just want to see me succeed… Everyone is way more supportive in college than they are in high school by a mile.” 

Because softball is a limited-contact sport, players are able to relax a little bit when they are far away from one another. This can include the luxury of sometimes taking off masks. However, celebrations after a good hit are a lot different. Unlike usual reactions to a homerun, players are not allowed to run to the dugout and high five in cheer. With practices and games, social distancing and masks are a huge aspect of staying safe. In the weight room, masks and sanitizing a station after working out are essential. The softball team is separated into A and B groups, switching tasks each week. 

UNCG’s Softball Field-image by Wesley Britt

Despite all the precautions taken by the softball team, a few players have had to be quarantined, but the entire team has not been mandated to be placed into isolation like other athletic programs at UNCG. “Staying safe as possible” to win all the different championships drives the team to abide by pandemic guidelines. Team bonding is a major aspect of a lot of sports, but softball requires the whole team to work like a well-oiled machine in order to be successful. Questions asked required interviewees to evaluate how the pandemic has affected aspects of group cohesion.

Group A will get dressed in the locker room first and then set up practice… Group B will go in the locker room later and clean up practice… We’re in different dugouts, so we stretch…  [at] different ends of the field. Of course, I want to be around everybody, but at the same time… they’re doing it to keep us safe.” 

Alina Varga class of ’24

In the beginning, we weren’t able to… bond, I guess, you could say as much. Don’t get me wrong, we’re all really close. I wouldn’t sit there and say everyone was my best friend when I first got to campus. I really didn’t get to know anybody personally. So, I feel like that was another downfall to Covid. Traveling is a little different… We don’t really get to spend time together… We’re definitely under a lot of rules and regulations for sure.

I would not say that it affects our team chemistry at all… We all act like we hang out every single day. I feel… being on the field with them every day and being in the weight room really helps build a connection.

Sophomore Morgan Scott feels like the pandemic has affected team bonding a little, especially when compared to last year, but still feels as though UNCG has a solid softball team. There were more fans last year, but the number of games is relatively the same. When talking about practices, Scott introduced a new device given to the players to regulate social distancing the same weekend as our interview occurred.

Sophomore Morgan Scott on the Pitcher’s Mound -image by Carlos Morales

With new restrictions like this being put into place, it is clear to see the drive to advance protocols to keep athletes safe. Alina summed up athletics at UNCG best: “Even though we had to step back, we’re still jumping forward.”

We currently, right now, have these little… monitors, and [when] we get like six feet [from] each other, they blink, so it’s like tracking [us]… It’s just a way to make sure you’re telling the truth [about] who you’ve been around [for] longer than fifteen minutes.” The UNCG softball team has persevered in athletic seasons in the past, and this year’s season was no different. Despite the masks, social distancing, A groups and B groups, and borderline invasive monitors, the group has made the best of this hectic year, working hard to advance their skills and make their school proud. 

article written by Wesley Britt
