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00:00:00 - Introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Today is Monday, December 5, 2011.

Segment Synopsis: Interview introduction.

00:00:27 - Background and family

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: If we could get the interview started by, if you will tell me something about your early life; where and when you were born and your family life and that sort of thing.

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes her background as well as her family and their accomplishments.

00:03:33 - Greensboro in the early 1960s

Play segment

Partial Transcript: MR: It was a wonderful experience but we were also experiencing the same turmoil that Greensboro was going through during integration.

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes living in Greensboro at Palmer Memorial Institute in the early 1960s.

00:05:01 - Palmer Institute (part 1)

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Now was Palmer Instutute [grades] one through-

MR: Seven through twelve.

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes attending Palmer Memorial Institute for high school.

00:07:45 - Decision to attend UNCG

Play segment

Partial Transcript: MR: I went to a small college in Pennsylvania- Thiel College, T-H-I-E-L, Lutheran- for my freshman year because I was going to go into physical therapy and that was a small university.

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes her decision to attend UNCG.

00:08:54 - Activity in Civil Rights Movement

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: How did you participate in the Civil Rights Movement?

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes her participation in different aspects of the Civil Rights movement.

00:10:20 - Thiel College (part 1)

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Now let me ask you a question about Thiel; was that a historically black college?

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes attending Thiel College for her first year of college.

00:13:36 - Traveling to Europe

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Now you said you went to Europe after you graduated high school?

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes her travels through Europe after high school graduation.

00:17:49 - Thiel College (part 2)

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: And so after you got back, that's when you went to Pennsylvania to- it's pronounced Thiel?

Segment Synopsis: Raines continues to describe attending Thiel College.

00:20:08 - Transferring from Thiel College to UNCG

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: But that's good though; that is. Well, when you first came to UNCG, what made you decide to come here as opposed to going to, say, UNC-Charlotte or someplace in South Carolina?

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes her reasons for transferring to UNCG, and the process of transferring itself.

00:22:26 - Living on campus at UNCG

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: And did you live on campus?

MR: Yes. I started at Guilford Hall and then I moved to- My next year I was in Reynolds [Residence Hall].

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes living on campus at UNCG, including when some of the dorms became coeducational.

00:23:57 - First impressions of UNCG

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Well, what was your impression of UNCG when you first got here?

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes her early impressions of UNCG, including a relaxation of the strict atmosphere she had grown up in.

00:25:44 - Roommates

Play segment

Partial Transcript: MR: That wasn't us. The three of us were the three musketeers, me and my roommates.

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes her roommates, Yvonne Johnson and Myrtle Goore.

00:27:34 - Transitioning from high school to college

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Well, you mentioned something about your adjustment. What was your adjustment like; coming from Palmer and a very small school in Pennsylvania to a fairly large university that was predominantly white?

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes her experience transitioning from Palmer Institute to Thiel College and then to UNCG.

00:29:36 - Studying psychology and social work

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: What was your favorite subjects while you were here? Was it psychology?

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes her decisions to study psychology and social work.

00:30:43 - Social life at UNCG

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Well, did you enjoy being at UNCG?

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes the social life at UNCG, including meeting students from other universities and driving around the state with her fellow students.

00:32:26 - Palmer Institute (part 2)

Play segment

Partial Transcript: MR: I don't know what it would have been like- I figured I had already done the whole black school thing having gone to high school at [Palmer].

Segment Synopsis: Raines continues to describe attending Palmer Institute.

00:33:33 - Recreational activities

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: You mentioned earlier that some of the other students wanted to teach you how to play bridge and canasta, so what did you do for fun if you didn't play cards too much?

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes her recreational activities while at UNCG, including visiting Yum-Yums and Winston-Salem. Raines also mentions attending events basketball games and the Temptations.

00:35:39 - Dining Hall

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: What about the dining hall food; what do you recall about the dining hall food on campus in those days?

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes the dining hall during her time at UNCG, including a weekly pancake night.

00:36:48 - Neo-Black Society (part 1)

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: What social and academic events stand out in your mind during your time here at UNCG? Anything in particular?

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes her involvement with the Neo-Black Society at UNCG.

00:37:31 - Academic events

Play segment

Partial Transcript: MR: But social- what was the other question? Academic?

HT: Or academic. Yes.

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes attending concerts while at UNCG, as well as being a member of the Student Government Association.

00:38:35 - Student government and GUTS

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: What part did you play in the student government? Were you just a member of student government at large?

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes being a member of the student government at UNCG as well as working with GUTS (Greensboro United Tutorial Service).

00:39:10 - 1968 United States Presidential Election

Play segment

Partial Transcript: MR: And something else that year was also - Well, let's see; '68, I don't think it's on here but socially I was involved- It's not on here.

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes campaigning during the 1968 presidential election while supporting Hubert Humphrey.

00:40:02 - Classmates

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Now you mentioned the Neo-Black Society already and you were a charter member so you probably knew Yvonne- the Cheek sisters, Betty and Yvonne.

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes some of her classmates, including Betty and Yvonne Cheek, as well as Ada Fisher.

00:41:24 - Neo-Black Society (part 2)

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: How did the Neo-Black Society come about? Was it students just talking or-

MR: I think they were disgruntled.

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes the foundation of the Neo-Black Society.

00:43:17 - Early black men on campus

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: When I talked to the lady on Friday, she thought there were probably a hundred black students on campus in the late sixties and early seventies, roughly.

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes her memories of the few black men on campus during the early co-educational days of UNCG.

00:44:31 - Reactions to the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. assassination

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: I think maybe you've already touched on this a little bit but tell me about your political involvement in the late sixties on campus. Martin Luther King had died- was killed rather- in April of '68. What was that like?

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes the reactions to the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

00:47:50 - Discrimination by faculty at UNCG

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Did you ever feel discriminated against while you were at UNCG by students or faculty members?

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes and instance where she was discriminated against by one of her teachers at UNCG.

00:50:14 - ARA Slater strike

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Do you have any recollection of the chancellor at that time, James Ferguson?

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes her involvement with the ARA Slater dining hall and housekeeping strike.

00:52:29 - Discrimination from Bennett College students

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Did any students from Bennett College participate?

MR: A few. But they didn't like us. That's the discrimination I ran into.

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes the animosity between students at Bennett College and UNCG.

00:55:23 - Memories of administrators at UNCG

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Do you have any recollection of Vice Chancellor Mereb Mossman who was a big- She was sort of second-in-charge on campus.

Segment Synopsis: Raines briefly describes Vice Chancellor Mereb Mossman

00:55:48 - UNCG becoming coeducational

Play segment

Partial Transcript: MR: I know there was a big push in part of my senior year about- There was a question about whether having an all-girls university, and all-female university, was a better idea back in the day than it was to have the integrated, male-female university.

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes the debate between becoming a coeducational college, or remaining a women's college.

00:57:02 - Memories of professors and buildings at UNCG

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Tell me about the professors who made and impression on you while you were here at UNCG, either positive or negative. You already mentioned Mr. Ladd and apparently that was a very negative impression.

Segment Synopsis: Raines briefly describes her professors, and describes some of the buildings that she had classes in.

00:58:32 - Affects of having attended UNCG

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: How did attending UNCG change your life?

MR: Oh, dramatic. Dramatic.

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes how she thought her life was influenced by attending UNCG as opposed to Vassar, Wellseley or Barnard Colleges.

01:02:46 - Life after graduation

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Well were were talking about how UNCG changed your life and what have you done since you graduated from UNCG; what line of work have you gone into?

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes her career in social work.

01:09:00 - Interactions with UNCG after graduation

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Have you attended any reunions or anything like that?

MR: No, I've thought about it. They send me stuff.

Segment Synopsis: Raines describes her limited interactions with UNCG after she graduated.

01:10:50 - Conclusion

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Well, I don't have any more formal questions.

Segment Synopsis: Interview conclusion.