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00:00:00 - Introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Well, today is Saturday, April 13, 2013 and my name is Hermann Trojanowski. I'm in Jackson Library with Jackie Sparkman, Class of 1967. Good morning, Jackie, and welcome.

Segment Synopsis: Interview introduction.

00:00:20 - Background and family

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Jackie, if we could get the interview started by my asking you some basic information about your early life; some biographical information such as where and when you were born and where you lived and grew up and that sort of thing.

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman discusses her early life and family background.

00:01:59 - High School

Play segment

Partial Transcript: JS: I went to C.M. Eppes High-Fleming Street Elementary School and from Fleming Street Elementary School to C.M. Eppes High School.

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman describes her time at C.M. Eppes High School, including classes she enjoyed and working at the movie theater.

00:04:11 - Decision to attend UNCG

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: And what made you decide to come to UNCG?

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman describes her motivation to attend UNCG, including attending the National Science Foundation programs, and being denied from Chapel Hill as a result of being female.

00:07:08 - Financial Aid

Play segment

Partial Transcript: JS: July rolled around. I had applied for student aid because my parents were poor.

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman describes applying for and receiving financial aid, including writing the governors office for assistance.

00:09:08 - Working at UNCG (Part 1)

Play segment

Partial Transcript: JS: And I had a job; I got a job in the cafeteria because as you heard one woman yesterday say...

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman describes the several jobs she worked while at UNCG, including jobs in the cafeteria, at the dry cleaners, and for the local newspaper.

00:11:39 - First day on campus

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Well, what do you recall about your first day on campus? That would be in the fall of 1963.

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman describes moving to campus, and her first day on campus.

00:14:14 - Living in the dorms

Play segment

Partial Transcript: JS: Our side, we were issued - going into Coit, the dorm mother was on - Her quarters were, I think, to the left of the entrance and our room was on that...

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman describes living in the dorms at UNCG, especially during her freshman year. Mostly relating to the black student's living arrangements in the dorms.

00:16:17 - Working at UNCG (Part 2)

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: If we could backtrack for just a minute to working in the cafeteria: What was that like? What type of work did you do?

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman describes her work in the cafeteria, including a student walk-out.

00:18:23 - Favorite subjects

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Do you recall what your favorite subject was when you were in college?

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman describes her enjoyment of history, french, and political science.

00:19:50 - Discrimination

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: What do you recall about the professors in history and political science? Do you have any memories of-?

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman describes some experiences of discrimination she faced from several professors and on a tobacco farm where she worked.

00:28:39 - Work at UNCG (Part 3)

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: And were you- In your Junior and Senior years, were you still working in the cafeteria, delivering the newspapers, and all the other jobs that you had?

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman continues to describe working in the cafeteria, as well as being a lab assistant. Sparkman also mentions applying for more financial aid.

00:30:56 - Recreation (Part 1)

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: We're going to transition now to campus life.

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman describes some of the things she did for fun, including fencing, bowling,golf, volleyball, and bridge.

00:32:46 - Roommates

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: And you already talked a little bit about this, but what about- Can you tell me a little bit more about your roommates? What were they like and how you got along with them and that sort of thing?

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman describes several of her roommates, including Carolyn Black and Susan Kessler.

00:35:04 - Discrimination (Part 2)

Play segment

Partial Transcript: JS: I had a - One of my jobs- Was that after, probably after Junior year- I had a job on campus at Reynolds [Residence Hall], which was one of the newer dorms at the time, one of the high rises, I was the resident- what do they call them, RA's?

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman describes some instances of discrimination while working as a Resident Assistant (RA) at UNCG.

00:37:54 - Traveling home

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: So you had summer jobs as well as jobs during the winter time?

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman describes not being able to travel home often for financial reasons.

00:39:01 - Discrimination (part 3)

Play segment

Partial Transcript: JS: But the summer after my junior year I was working here and the summer after my senior year I-...

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman describes being discriminated against while looking for a job at a bank.

00:41:55 - Working after graduation

Play segment

Partial Transcript: JS: I had managed to go through school without getting a teacher's certificate.

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman describes working for the Department of Housing and Urban Development in Philadelphia after graduation.

00:46:49 - Recreation (Part 2)

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: If we can backtrack to UNCG for just a few minutes, were there any particular social or academic events that stand out in your mind during the time that you were here in the mid-1960s?

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman briefly describes some of the events she enjoyed while at UNCG, including formal teas, plays and lectures.

00:48:08 - Attending Temple Law School

Play segment

Partial Transcript: JS: As an aside, after I had been in Philadelphia for a year. This is an aside.

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman describes applying for, and getting into Temple Law School, and being offered a scholarship for being "culturally deprived".

00:51:37 - Men on campus

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Well, men came in the fall of '64, which would have been your sophomore year.

JS: Yes, sophomore year. I remember one in particular.

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman describes her memories of the men on campus, including Larry McAdoo and Anthony Thompson Reginald.

00:53:21 - Discrimination (part 4)

Play segment

Partial Transcript: JS: As I said, the only instances of "discrimination" or looking askance came from off-campus.

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman describes being discriminated against while at a church service while at UNCG.

00:55:18 - Rat Day

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Well, I read in your senior yearbook that you were the chief jester at Rat Day.

JS: I know; you sent me that and I thought, what is that?

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman describes being the chief jester of Rat Day, a sort of hazing ritual at UNCG.

00:57:17 - Junior Show

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: And then you were Junior Show chairperson, chairman, I guess.

JS: Yes, yes.

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman describes organizing the Junior Show at UNCG during her junior year, including writing the musical "A Girl's Dream".

01:00:04 - Extracurricular activities

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: You were also involved in the student legislature. Can you tell me a little bit about that?

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman describes her activities as a member of the student legislature, including efforts to ease restrictions on student absences from classes. Sparkman also describes being a member of the Service League.

01:04:16 - Politics on campus

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Well, the sixties were such a turbulent time here in the United States, you know. Were you ever involved politically while you were on campus? Protests, or anything like that?

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman describes the political atmosphere on campus being somewhat stale during her time, being between efforts to integrate Tate Street, and the food service strikes in 1969,

01:08:37 - Memories of UNCG administrators

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Well, speaking of administrators, Did you ever have any interactions with any of the administrators: chancellor, dean of women, dean of students, or anything like that?

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman describes having a few brief conversations with Dean Taylor and Chancellor James Ferguson.

01:10:24 - Thoughts on UNCG (Part 1)

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Is there anything else you'd like to add about UNCG before we go on to what you've done after you left here?

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman briefly describes her opinions about how UNCG affected her life.

01:11:37 - Working as a lawyer

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Well, tell me a little bit about what you did after you graduated. I know you went on to law school, so did you become a lawyer?

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman describes her career as a lawyer for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Bell Telephone Company.

01:17:14 - Thoughts on UNCG (part 2)

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Well Jackie, I don't have any more formal questions. Is there anything you want to add about how UNCG has impacted your life or has made a difference or anything about UNCG that we haven't already covered in our discussions this morning?

Segment Synopsis: Sparkman continues to describe the affect UNCG has had upon her life, and what she thinks of the experience she had there.

01:19:07 - Conclusion

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Well, thank you so much. I appreciate this.

Segment Synopsis: Interview conclusion