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00:00:00 - Interview introduction

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Partial Transcript: Today is Thursday, April 20th, 2017 and my name is Scott Hinshaw and I'm in the Alumni House with current senior and veteran student, Robert Felts.

00:00:18 - Early life and biographical information

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Partial Transcript: I'd like to start the interview by asking about your background

Segment Synopsis: Early life and family background

00:00:52 - Attending Walter Williams High School and Alamance Community College; Working various jobs during school and then 10-15 years in retail

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Partial Transcript: Can you tell what schools you attended? High schools we're talking about.

Segment Synopsis: Attending high school and Alamance Community College, working while in school and after.

00:02:35 - Military service in the Army

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Partial Transcript: Alright, and so when did you start to think about entering the military?

Segment Synopsis: Thinking about joining the army. Discussion of four-year enlistment as health-care specialist (medic), training, bases served, deployment in Iraq, and returning stateside.

Keywords: Army; Iraq War; military life

00:18:04 - Attending UNCG as a veteran student

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So how long after you left the army did you start to think about going to school?

Segment Synopsis: Thinking about attending and getting accepted to UNCG. Life as a veteran student.

Keywords: Military and veteran students; student life

00:27:46 - Work with Student Veterans Association

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Partial Transcript: Looking for, you know, veteran's related groups or something like that. Something that was doing something on campus and in the community.

Segment Synopsis: Working with Student Veterans Association and serving as Vice President.

Keywords: Student Veterans Association

00:34:50 - Life at UNCG as a student

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I realize I left off questions about you as a student. Can we talk about what your major is?

Segment Synopsis: Finding a major that worked (Human Development and Family Studies), advising, and favorite professors. Internship with the City of Greensboro Parks and Recreation Department. Plans after college.

00:47:34 - Conclusion and reflection questions/ Interview conclusion

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Can you tell me how UNCG has affected your life and what it means to you?

Segment Synopsis: Meaning of UNCG and its future.

Keywords: diversity; inclusivity