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00:00:00 - Interview introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Today is April 9, 2018.

00:00:17 - First impressions of UNCG

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What was UNCG like when you arrived?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Adams discusses her first impressions of UNCG.

Keywords: Campus culture; Diversity; Dr. Stanley Jones; Dr. Vira Kivett; Dr. Virginia Stephens; Gerontology Program; Students; Tate St.; campus beautification

00:08:32 - Department of Anthropology, Sociology, and Social Work

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Another thing I remember you said you wanted to talk about was - you joined right after the divorce between anthro and social work.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Adams discusses the separation of Anthropology, Social Work, and Sociology.

Keywords: Anthropology department; Department of Social Work; Dr. Elaine Burgess; Dr. Jane Rosen-Grandon; Dr. Virginia Stephens; sociology department

00:11:15 - Undergraduate and graduate adviser

Play segment

Partial Transcript: The next questions I have for you are about when you were the undergrad and grad adviser for Sociology.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Adams discusses her time as an undergraduate and graduate adviser.

Keywords: Department culture; Department of Sociology; Faculty; criminology concentration

00:21:22 - Gerontology Program

Play segment

Partial Transcript: It shifted back a little bit, but more of a focus on the Gerontology Program.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Adams continues her discussion on the Gerontology Program in greater detail.

Keywords: Department of Social Work; Dr. Dan Price; Dr. Elise Eifert; Dr. Herb Wells; Dr. Jan Wassel; Dr. Laura Anderton; Dr. Mariana Newton; Dr. Sandra Powers; Dr. Vira Kivett; Dr. Virginia Stephens; Dr. Walter Beale; Gerontology Program; sociology department

00:35:42 - Publications

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Our next questions are about your research over time.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Adams discusses her publications.

Keywords: Dr. Arthur Stinchcombe; Dr. Graham Allan; Dr. Karen Roberto; Dr. Pearl Dykstra; Dr. Rosemary Blieszner; Dr. Stephen Galant

00:43:06 - Aging, Grateful Dead, religion and other research

Play segment

Partial Transcript: And if we shift to focus specifically on aging, how have you seen that field develop over time?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Adams continues her discusses on her research including the Grateful Dead, again, teenage motherhood, and religion.

Keywords: Adult Center for Enrichment; Community; Dr. Andrea Hunter; Dr. Elise Eifert; Dr. Justin Harmon; Dr. Meredith Powers; Dr. Sheppard Kellam; Dr. Virginia Stephens; Grateful Dead; Grateful Dead Project; Tuisha Fernandes Stack

00:55:04 - Changes in the Sociology Department

Play segment

Partial Transcript: The last set of questions I have right now are about the Sociology Department and how that has changed throughout the years during your time here.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Adams discusses the changes she has seen in the Sociology Department during her time here.

Keywords: Dr. Dan Price; Dr. Elaine Burgess; Dr. Gwen Hunnicutt; Dr. Joseph Himes; Dr. Julie Brown; Dr. Saundra Westervelt; Dr. Steven Cureton

00:59:11 - Interview conclusion