Oral history interview with Tim Schaller, 2021

University of North Carolina at Greensboro
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00:00:00 - Interview introduction

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Partial Transcript: To start, could you please say and spell your name?

00:00:33 - Biographical information

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Partial Transcript: To start, could you please tell us a little bit about yourself?

00:02:06 - Initial interest in the brewing industry

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Partial Transcript: How did you become interested in the brewing industry?

00:03:27 - Opening Wedge

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Partial Transcript: What led you for interest in the industry to actually starting Wedge in 2008?

00:05:57 - Wedge's location and building

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Partial Transcript: You selected the River Arts District for the location and Wedge studio space as your initial location. What led you to select?

00:11:52 - Challenges faced in opening Wedge

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Partial Transcript: Were there any particular challenges you faced when your first opening Wedge?

00:13:41 - Growth and development of Wedge

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Partial Transcript: Since you opened that initial location at the Arts district, how has Wedge grown since that time?

00:15:47 - Tim's average work week

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Partial Transcript: How would you describe your average week? You can compare then to now if you like

00:15:49 - Changes to Asheville since opening Wedge

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Partial Transcript: What was Asheville like when you first opened Wedge?

00:17:16 - Wedge's mission

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Partial Transcript: How would you describe Wedge Brewing to people who are unaware of the brewery?

00:20:07 - Wedge's current locations and taprooms

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Partial Transcript: How would you describe your locations and spaces?

00:21:07 - Challenges brought on by the COVID pandemic

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Partial Transcript: So, 2020 was a year of challenges for the brewing industry due to COVID 19 pandemic. How did you all approach these challenges?

00:24:08 - Ways the craft beer industry has impacted Asheville

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Partial Transcript: What role do you feel breweries, such as Wedge have played in the changes in Asheville?

00:24:55 - Wedge's community engagement work

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Partial Transcript: What are some examples of the types of community engagement work that you all have done?

00:25:56 - Plans for future growth of Wedge

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Partial Transcript: Other than the addition of more tanks, how do you see Wedge growing in the future?

00:29:50 - Comparing the craft beer industry when Wedge opened versus today

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Partial Transcript: What is it like to work in the craft brewing industry today?

00:30:55 - Predictions for the future of the craft beer industry

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Partial Transcript: Where do you see the brewing industry going in the next three to five years?

00:32:27 - North Carolina craft beer

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Partial Transcript: Is, is there anything you see unique about North Carolina beer?

00:33:23 - Favorite beer from a North Carolina brewery other than Wedge

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Partial Transcript: Do you have a favorite beer from North Carolina brewery, other than Wedge?

00:33:49 - Wedge's flagship beer

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Partial Transcript: What would you say Wedge is? I think you have already said this, but what would you say is Wedge's flagship or signature beer?

00:34:21 - Favorite beer from Wedge

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Partial Transcript: What's your favorite beer from Wedge?

00:36:32 - Wedge's Foundation location

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Partial Transcript: We didn't talk about this building.

00:38:24 - Interview conclusion

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Partial Transcript: That's it. Is there anything else you need?