Oral history interview with Aaron Gore, 2022

University of North Carolina at Greensboro
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00:00:00 - Interview introduction

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Partial Transcript: I am Erin Lawrimore, here with Aaron Gore, Senior Director of Business Development at Bevana

00:01:14 - Biographical information

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Partial Transcript: So, you mentioned not being from North Carolina. Let's begin at the beginning. Tell us a little bit about where you're from and how we got to where we are today.

00:02:04 - Initial interest in craft beer and brewing

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Partial Transcript: Yeah. So, how did you first become interested in the craft beer industry?

00:05:17 - Working for Finch Beer Company

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Partial Transcript: So, what was your first foray into the world of craft brewing as a profession?

00:07:54 - Moving to North Carolina

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Partial Transcript: So, how did you make your way here to North Carolina?

00:10:34 - Changes to the Charlotte beer scene

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Partial Transcript: So, the Charlotte beer scene has changed a lot since then.

00:11:51 - Initial work with the beer industry in Charlotte

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Partial Transcript: So, once you got to Charlotte, what happened next? Where did you connect with the beer industry?

00:13:05 - Comparing beer scene in New England to Charlotte

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Partial Transcript: Yeah. Were there specific things about that? You mentioned some of the differences that were especially surprising to you, for good or for bad surprising.

00:14:43 - Writing and podcasting work

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Partial Transcript: So, I know one thing you have done a good bit off is writing and podcasting. Writing about and thinking about and talking about North Carolina beer.

00:19:11 - Consulting work

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Partial Transcript: But I'm also wondering how that connects over because I know you've done a lot of consulting work within the industry, too. And so, talk a little bit about that consulting work that you've done and maybe even how that was informed by experiences.

00:21:33 - Consumer education

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Partial Transcript: Where do you see or do you see, I should say, education of the consumer side fitting into that?

00:25:02 - Beginning Community Brewing Ventures (now Bevana)

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Partial Transcript: So, talk a little bit about where Bevana started or because, I know it did not start as the company it did.

00:29:31 - Rebranding CBV to Bevana

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Partial Transcript: You all went through a rebranding process this year, correct or last year?

00:32:27 - Bevana's brewing partners

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Partial Transcript: So, you mentioned, let's talk about some of the companies that you do work with. Can we get some examples of, not just who you're working with, but how partnerships tend to develop?

00:36:14 - Industry challenges in North Carolina

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Partial Transcript: Yeah. I'm going to ask this as if I don't already know the answer. Are there any unique challenges that come with partnering with breweries outside of North Carolina?

00:43:06 - Developing Bevana's eCommerce platform

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Partial Transcript: And so, with mention of the channels for distribution, we'll circle back around to the eCommerce platform and the launching of that. And some of the fun that went into that.

00:47:57 - Resources for growing the business

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Partial Transcript: So, you've mentioned a few different, resources, organizations, groups, people who've plugged in and helped along the way. You mentioned Pink Boots, you mentioned some other things. Can you talk about some of the resource banks that you've drawn on to grow the business?

00:51:54 - Gore's responsibilities at Bevana

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Partial Transcript: Talk about your responsibilities at Bevana. They are far reaching.

00:53:33 - Future plans for Bevana

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Partial Transcript: So, if you had your way, where would you see Bevana? How would you see it growing in the next few years?

00:56:21 - Brewing incubators in North Carolina

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Partial Transcript: Well, and you mentioned Weathered Souls coming in to Charlotte earlier. And that actually made me think of the role of incubators and the role they're playing across the state because that's not going to be, yeah.

00:58:43 - Challenges in the brewing industry today

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Partial Transcript: And that ties into the next question I was going to ask, which is specifically North Carolina focused. What are some of the biggest challenges that you see the industry dealing with today?

01:02:23 - Future of the brewing industry

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Partial Transcript: Yeah. And that very much ties in, I think, with my next question, which was essentially, where would you see the industry as a whole in the next five years? It sounds like consolidation is-

01:08:25 - Unique aspects of beer in the North Carolina region

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Partial Transcript: So, thinking about North Carolina or maybe even the Southern region, are there any aspects that you see as unique regionally in this area with the beer industry?

01:11:26 - Favorite North Carolina craft beers

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Partial Transcript: So now, we come to the question that's everyone's favorite question to go off on. So, let's talk about your favorite beer or beers from a North Carolina brewery. What are some of your favorites to go to?

01:15:27 - Interview conclusion

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Partial Transcript: Yeah. So, that is my full list of questions. Is there anything you can think about that we have not talked about?