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00:00:02 - Interview introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE:My name is Eric Elliott, and today is May 8, 1999, and I'm just outside of Yanceyville, North Carolina, this morning, at the home of Ruby Morgan Sheridan, and thank you, Mrs. Sheridan, for letting us come in here today.

Segment Synopsis: Interview introduction

00:00:33 - Biographical information

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: Where were you born and where did you grow up?

Segment Synopsis: Sheridan discusses her early life

00:01:58 - High school and Woman's College of the University of North Carolina

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: Were you somebody who liked school, growing up?

Segment Synopsis: Sheridan discusses favorite subjects, transitioning to college, and college life

00:10:14 - Food Management and Dietician fields of study

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: You said that you had thought about being a dietitian at one point. What switched you to food management, do you think?

Segment Synopsis: Sheridan discusses receiving a degree in Food Management and later returning to WCUNC for a second degree in Dietetics

00:13:17 - First job after college

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE:What did you do after you graduated?

Segment Synopsis: Sheridan discusses her first job as supervisor of a department store restaurant and living in Lynchburg, Virginia

00:16:57 - Pearl Harbor and fiancé stationed at Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE:Well, something that happened while you were there is something called Pearl Harbor. Do you remember where you were when you heard about Pearl Harbor?

Segment Synopsis: Sheridan discusses Pearl Harbor and her fiancé, a pilot stationed at Clark Air Force Base, becoming a prisoner of war.

00:20:34 - Employment in Kannapolis, NC, and Fort Bragg, NC

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE:Well tell me, let me fill in a detail or two, because you were at Lynchburg. You left that job to do what?

Segment Synopsis: Sheriden discusses her work at Cannon Mills followed by a position as assistant director of the cafeteria at Fort Bragg.

00:25:12 - Position within Special Services of the United States Army

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE:Now you were also talking about earlier that when you did this position, it was the Special Services of the United States Army, I guess?

Segment Synopsis: Sheridan discusses being a civilian employee and meeting her husband, a Special Services employee.

00:30:51 - Description of Fort Bragg service clubs

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE:Tell me a little bit about the layout of how--the service clubs are on the base, in a central location, I guess, or are they near the barracks, or where are they?

Segment Synopsis: Sheridan describes service club buildings and activities and living on base in Special Services housing.

00:33:47 - Fort Bragg, Camp Sutton, Camp Rucker

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE:Tell me how long--you were at Fort Bragg, then you were at Camp Sutton, then you were at Camp Rucker?

Segment Synopsis: Sheridan discusses her work and experiences at Fort Bragg, Camp Sutton, and Camp Rucker

00:36:03 - Army service of two brothers in World War II

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE:Did your brothers do anything in the war effort as well?

Segment Synopsis: Sheridan discusses the service of her two brothers during World War II

00:40:40 - German POWs assigned to work in service club

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: I had a very interesting experience there. They began to bring German POWs to the United States, and they were using them on these military posts, and I had two or three German POWs assigned to my club.

Segment Synopsis: Sheridan discusses her experience overseeing German prisoners of war assigned to work in the service club

00:44:14 - Thoughts on Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE:What did you think about the Roosevelts?

Segment Synopsis: Sheridan discusses her views regarding President Roosevelt and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt

00:47:24 - Service club work challenges

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE:What about your work at the service club was probably the hardest thing that you had to do? Was it being away from home?

Segment Synopsis: Sheridan describes the challenges of her position

00:49:02 - Thoughts on contributing to the war effort

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE:Did you feel that you helped the war effort, in that regard?

Segment Synopsis: Sheridan discusses her role in supporting GI's.

00:51:11 - Recalling popular music during service time

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE:If I were to ask you, is there a song or some songs that take you right back to that time when you think about them, what would those be?

Segment Synopsis: Sheridan discusses songs and dance tunes made popular during her time of service

00:52:13 - Recalling VE (Victory in Europe) Day

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE:Do you remember what you were doing when you heard that the war in Europe had ended, on VE Day in May?

Segment Synopsis: Sheridan describes the reaction to VE Day while working in a service club in Alabama

00:54:51 - Receiving word of fiance's death

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE:Did you get the word about your fiance before the end of the war?

Segment Synopsis: Sheridan discusses traveling home to be with her fiance's family

00:57:42 - Continuing service after VJ (Victory in Japan) Day

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE:You go back and after--was there anything special about VJ Day that you remember?

Segment Synopsis: Sheridan discusses her decision to continue working in service clubs after the war had ended

01:00:03 - Memorable Fort Bragg moment

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: Is there a lighthearted or embarrassing moment that you remember from that time that sticks out? Something that happened in the club or something somebody said or did?

Segment Synopsis: Sheridan describes a memorable moment while on duty at the service club on Christmas Eve

01:02:14 - Heroes

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE:Did you have any heroes or heroines from that time?

Segment Synopsis: Sheridan shares thoughts on her heroes of the World War II era.

01:09:13 - Influence of military service

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE:What kind of effect did your time, working around military personnel, have on the rest of your life? What did it teach you?

Segment Synopsis: Sheridan discusses her respect and admiration for members of the military

01:11:30 - Women in the military today

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: Do you think there are some positions in the military that women should not be allowed to do, or how do you feel about that?

Segment Synopsis: Sheridan discusses the positions now available to women serving in the military

01:12:41 - Marriage and career positions following military service

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: You've already alluded to some interesting things that happened to you after you got out in '47.

Segment Synopsis: Sheridan discusses positions held following her service. These include a country club, Wake Forest University, Sears, Duke University, where she met her husband. She retired from East Carolina University School of Home Economics in 1983.

01:21:36 - Interview conclusion

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE:Well, we've gone over only about, oh, sixty or seventy years today.

Segment Synopsis: Interview concludes