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00:00:03 - Interview introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: My name is Eric Elliott, and I'm with the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Today is Tuesday, October 26, 1999, and I am here somewhere in the suburbs of Austin, [North Carolina].

Segment Synopsis: Interview introduction

00:00:31 - Biographical information

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: Ms. Spicer, thanks for having us here today. We're going to ask you the same tough question that I ask almost everybody first thing. Where were you born and where did you grow up?

Segment Synopsis: Spicer discusses her family and early life

00:04:26 - Work and family members called into service

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: When you finished high school, what did you do after that?

Segment Synopsis: Spicer discusses jobs she held and several members of her family being called into service as World War II is underway

00:14:45 - Decision to join the WAC

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: How did your family feel about you joining the service?

Segment Synopsis: Spicer discusses her decision to join the service and family reaction

00:26:16 - Basic training at Fort Oglethorpe

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: Let me get you to there with a little detail, because everybody that we talked to has a basic training experience. How was basic training for you? Did you like basic training?

Segment Synopsis: Spicer discusses her basic training experience at Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia

00:38:39 - Post office assignment at Fort H. G.Wright

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: Did you learn the postal job there at Fort Wright or back at Fort Oglethorpe? Did they teach you your job at Fort Oglethorpe?

Segment Synopsis: Spicer discusses her assignment with the postal service within Fort H.G. Wright, NY

00:56:57 - Most difficult challenges

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: What was the hardest thing about your time in the service for you, either physically or emotionally?

Segment Synopsis: Spicer discusses the most difficult challenges she faced while in service

01:10:27 - Eleanor Roosevelt and other historical figures

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: What did you think of Mrs. [Eleanor] Roosevelt?

Segment Synopsis: Spicer discusses First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and other important figures of the era

01:20:50 - Patriotism and contribution to war effort

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: Do you think that America was a more patriotic place back there in those days?

Segment Synopsis: Spicer discusses patriotism and her contribution to the war effort

01:24:13 - Impact of military service

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: How has your life been different because of your time in the service?

Segment Synopsis: Spicer discusses the impact her service has had on her life

01:25:42 - Women's roles in the military

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: Do you think that there's some jobs in the military that women should not be allowed to do or are you pretty open to whatever they feel like?

Segment Synopsis: Spicer discusses her views regarding women's roles in the military

01:27:49 - Meeting husband after service

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: Well, we talked about your time in the service, and I appreciate you doing that. How did you all get together? Did you all meet in the service or afterwards?

Segment Synopsis: Spicer discusses meeting her husband after leaving the service

01:33:03 - Interview conclusion

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: I think, though, that we're about at the end of the tape, so if we don't call it quits, the tape's going to go out on me in just a second anyway.

Segment Synopsis: Interview concludes