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00:00:03 - Interview introduction

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Partial Transcript: EE: My name is Eric Elliott, and I’m with the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. This is an interview for the Women Veterans Historical Project at the university.

Segment Synopsis: Interview introduction

00:00:32 - Biographical information

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Partial Transcript: EE: We’re going to talk about your two-year stay in the Marine Corps, and I wanted to ask you, as I ask most folks at the beginning, where were you born, where did you grow up?

Segment Synopsis: Laskowski tells the story of her birth in Canada, discusses her family and early life, and growing up primarily in Miami, FL, during the Depression

00:10:26 - Work after high school; attack on Pearl Harbor

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Partial Transcript: EE: When did you graduate? How old were you when you graduated from school?

Segment Synopsis: Laskowski recalls hearing the news of the attack on Pearl Harbor, discusses having several brothers called into service, and her work at the American Title Insurance Company following graduation from Miami Edison Senior High School in 1941

00:15:13 - Considering service; joining volunteer groups; V-Mail

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: Did it ever occur to you during World War II to join? They just were starting the services.

Segment Synopsis: Laskowski discusses initially wanting to join the navy, her mother's reaction, and her volunteer work with the USO

00:19:48 - Enlisting in the Women Marines in 1952

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Partial Transcript: EE: I was working for American Title at the time I left them to go into the service.

Segment Synopsis: Laskowski discusses her decision to enlist in the Women Marines and the reactions of her mother and employer of over seven years

00:25:40 - Basic training at Parris Island, SC

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Partial Transcript: EE: You picked the most scenic time of year to go to Parris Island, right in the middle of a July heat wave.

Segment Synopsis: Laskowski discusses several of her experiences and challenges while completing boot camp

00:32:43 - Parris Island assignment

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: How did you end up going from Parris Island to Parris Island?

Segment Synopsis: Laskowski discusses her duties in the women's clothing office, and meeting and marrying fellow Marine Herbert Laskowski

00:48:36 - Discharge following marriage in 1954

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Partial Transcript: ML: Oh, yes, I was going to keep this marriage a secret.

Segment Synopsis: Laskowski discusses her desire to keep her marriage a secret in order to stay in service, her disappointment in receiving an honorable discharge after it became public knowledge, and following her husband's career assignments in SC, FL, and NC

00:51:16 - Husband's service career; raising children; women's roles in the military

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Partial Transcript: EE: He stayed in the service. When did he retire from the service?

Segment Synopsis: Laskowski discusses her husband's career and retirement from the Marine Corps in 1976 and caring for her children, and shares her views regarding women's roles in the military

00:53:29 - Operating a book exchange

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: Well, now, when did you start this? We’re here in a book exchange.

Segment Synopsis: Laskowski explains how she and her husband came to set up and operate a book exchange, beginning in 1974

00:56:44 - Personal independence

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: Do you think being in the service made you more independent?

Segment Synopsis: Laskowski discusses the influence of her military training and career on certain aspects of her life

00:58:39 - Women Marine Association

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: But is there anything about your time in service or how it affected you that I haven’t asked you about, that you want to share with us?

Segment Synopsis: Laskowski discusses her involvement with the Woman Marine's Association

00:59:32 - Interview conclusion

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: That’s great. Well, I can hear in your voice and in your heart that you’ve been celebrating for a few years about that fact and how it’s shaped your life, and so, on behalf of the school, thank you for doing this today.

Segment Synopsis: Interview concludes