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00:00:11 - Interview introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: My name is Eric Elliott, and I’m with the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Today is January 22, 2003, and I am here this afternoon at the home of Helen Black.

Segment Synopsis: Interview introduction

00:00:29 - Biographical information

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: We’re going to talk about your service career with the WAVES [Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service].

Segment Synopsis: Black discusses her family and early life

00:05:24 - Following graduation from Middlebury College, VT

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: Well now, you finished up at Middlebury in ’40?

Segment Synopsis: Black discusses the time period following graduation in 1940

00:07:50 - Joining the WAVES

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HB: I was sitting in the railroad station with this very attractive Canadian WAC [Women’s Army Corps], military—I’d never seen a woman in the military. And I thought, well, you know, if ever they take women in the navy—for some reason I said the navy.

Segment Synopsis: Black discusses her decision to join the WACs, family reaction to her decision, and passing the physical examination

00:11:22 - Pearl Harbor Day and school send-off

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: You were in the first class of WAVES.

Segment Synopsis: Black recalls Pearl Harbor Day and a memorable moment as she departed for basic training.

00:14:11 - Training at Smith College

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HB: And how did I get to Northampton?

Segment Synopsis: Black describes arriving at Smith College, Northhampton, MA, uniforms, and a typical day in training

00:31:27 - Communications and Personnel assignments in Boston, MA

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: We talked a little bit before about when you were at the port director’s office in Boston. Your work was—was it communications officer right there, the routing the merchant vessel scheduling, things like that?

Segment Synopsis: Black discusses her work as as a communications officer and as a personnel officer

00:38:32 - Training in Washington, DC; new assignment in Pensacola, FL

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: You were in Boston. You say you were there through ’45. I guess it was in ’45 when you got the transfer down to—

Segment Synopsis: Black discusses training in Washington, DC, and moving into the educational services field

00:44:40 - Decision to leave the navy

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HB: I thought of staying in the navy. In fact, there were many times I wished I had, because it was a—but then all my friends were getting out, and I decided this was the time.

Segment Synopsis: Black discusses leaving the navy and attending Radcliffe College

00:48:24 - Career work following graduation

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: So, you’re off on your career. Where did you work? Were you working in New Hampshire? Where did your career take you?

Segment Synopsis: Black discusses various training and personnel positions she held

00:52:34 - Marriage and living in Greensboro, NC

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HB: I was there until I married in 1972, and I moved back to New Hampshire.

Segment Synopsis: Black discusses her marriage and returning to Greensboro

01:01:26 - Impact of military service

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: You think the service made you more independent?

Segment Synopsis: Black discusses how her military service and family influenced her life

01:07:30 - Women's roles in the service

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: What do you think about women in the service now? Do you think it’s a good thing that they’re able to do so many things, or how do you feel about that?

Segment Synopsis: Black discusses women's roles in the service

01:09:15 - Patriotism

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: Do you think—you said earlier that it was, walking down the street, everybody—there’s a different feeling of patriotism then, wasn’t it?

Segment Synopsis: Black share her thoughts about patriotism, as a service member and later on following the September 11th attacks

01:13:41 - Meeting Frank Sinatra

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EE: Tell me on tape, because we don’t have it on tape—you showed me a picture of a young New Jersey fellow that you ran into.

Segment Synopsis: Black discusses meeting Frank Sinatra while in service in Boston

01:16:45 - Interview conclusion