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00:00:03 - Interview introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Today is Wednesday, August 31, 2005, and my name is Hermann Trojanowski. I’m at the home of Bonnie James Baxter in Greensboro, North Carolina to conduct and oral history interview for the Women Veterans Historical Collection at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

Segment Synopsis: Interview introduction

00:00:35 - Biographical information

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: If you could tell us some biographical information about yourself that would be wonderful. Where were you born?

Segment Synopsis: Baxter discusses her family and early life growing up during the Depression in Clearwater, FL

00:04:12 - Life after high school and interest in joining the military

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Partial Transcript: HT: Where did you go to high school?

Segment Synopsis: Baxter discusses clerical jobs following high school and her reaction to recruiting posters

00:07:44 - Joining Coast Guard SPARS service in 1944

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Partial Transcript: BB: So I learned that I could join the Coast Guard in Tampa, so I could get the bus. I couldn’t drive. We didn’t have a car. I took the bus over and talked to them, and the very first visit I made with them I talked to the recruiting lieutenant, and I took all the tests that were required to go in.

Segment Synopsis: Baxter discusses her decision to apply for the Coast Guard Women's Reserve, called SPARS (Semper Paratus-Always Ready) and reaction of family and friends

00:11:30 - Central Motor Lines job and meeting husband

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Partial Transcript: BB: You asked me if I went on to school.

Segment Synopsis: Baxter discusses how she came to be employed at Central Motor Lines following her service in Coast Guard SPARS and meeting her husband there

00:19:38 - Basic training

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Partial Transcript: HT: If we can go back to the time that you entered the Coast Guard, we were talking about that you were sworn in in Tampa and then went over to Palm Beach for basic training; I guess you’d call it.

Segment Synopsis: Baxter discusses aspects of her six-week basic training and living arrangements in Palm Beach, FL, followed by fifteen weeks of specialized storekeepers training at the same location

00:35:17 - Constitution Wharf assignment

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Partial Transcript: HT: Can you tell me a little bit about your job in Boston, what you did during the day, and what were the days like?

Segment Synopsis: Baxter discusses her assignment, living quarters, and off-duty activities while stationed in the commander's office at Constitution Wharf, Boston, MA

00:46:39 - Considering reenlistment

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Partial Transcript: HT: I think you mentioned earlier in our conversation that you would have liked to have stayed in and made a career out of it, is that correct?

Segment Synopsis: Baxter discusses the discharge of most of her friends after the war ends, her commanding officer's wish for her to reenlist, and her decision to leave the service following a visit to her home in Florida

00:50:40 - Equal treatment and 1st class rank

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Partial Transcript: HT: Well, if I can ask you a couple more questions about your time that you were getting ready to leave the service, do you recall if you were treated equally, being a woman?

Segment Synopsis: Baxter discusses receiving equal treatment in her duty station and being discharged with a 1st class rating in 1944

00:51:55 - Physical and emotional challenges

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Do you recall the hardest thing you had to do physically during those twenty-six months?

Segment Synopsis: Baxter discusses physical and emotional challenges she faced while in service

00:56:10 - Embarrassing moment and off-duty activities

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: How about humorous or something unusual that happened?

Segment Synopsis: Baxter discusses finding herself in a difficult situation as well as various activities she participated in, including USO dances and as a member of the Girl Reserves prior to joining the service

01:00:02 - VE Day and VJ Day

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Well, do you recall where you were when VE [Victory in Europe] Day occurred in May of 1945?

Segment Synopsis: Baxter discusses her memories of VE Day and VJ Day

01:01:14 - Discharge as Storekeeper 1st Class

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: And I think you told me earlier that you were discharged in Boston, is that correct?

Segment Synopsis: Baxter discusses receiving the rank of Storekeeper 1st Class and having to travel to South Carolina for her official discharge, as well as returning home to Clearwater, FL

01:04:57 - Independence and role of trailblazer

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Would you consider yourself to be an independent person?

Segment Synopsis: Baxter discusses her independent nature and being the first female in her family to join the service

01:06:33 - Husband and children

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: How about your children, have any of your children been in the military?

Segment Synopsis: Baxter discusses her children and her husband's experience in the military during World War II

01:09:32 - Women in combat roles

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Do you approve of women being in combat positions these days?

Segment Synopsis: Baxter shares her view of women in combat roles

01:10:05 - Interview conclusion

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: That’s great. Well, I don’t have any more questions. Is there anything you’d like to add to the interview that I haven’t thought about asking? You’ve told me some wonderful stories and we really appreciate it.

Segment Synopsis: Interview concludes