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00:00:00 - Interview introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BC: Today is April 18, 2006.

Segment Synopsis: Introductions

00:00:30 - Biographical information and early education

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BC: I would like to start by talking a little bit about your background.

Segment Synopsis: Lloyd discusses her family and early life in Greensboro, NC, and attending Curry School for eleven years.

00:13:44 - Women's College

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BC: Can you tell me a little bit about your time at the Women’s College, what your major was, what campus life was like?

Segment Synopsis: Lloyd discusses her experiences and memorable figures at Women's College, and graduating in 1950.

00:20:00 - Early decision to join the navy

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BC: That’s great. When did you graduate from Woman’s College?

Segment Synopsis: Lloyd discusses how family ties to the navy and the Korean conflict influenced her decision to join, as well as family reaction.

00:25:37 - Officer Training School

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BC: Okay. Let’s get to your military service. When and where did you join the navy?

Segment Synopsis: Lloyd discusses several aspects of her Officer Training School experience including instructors, courses of study, reaction of male officer candidates.

00:30:21 - Brooklyn Navy Yard Registered Publications Office

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BC: And where were you stationed next? Did you have a choice as to what area you wanted to be involved in?

Segment Synopsis: Lloyd discusses superiors and colleagues and her work in handling classified materials.

00:36:22 - Naval Correspondence Course Center/NYU master's degree

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RL: In Brooklyn I was at the Register of Publications Issuing Office for—my recollection is I was there for a year and a half. And, then, the word came through that I was apt to be transferred.

Segment Synopsis: Lloyd discusses her work at her second duty station, the Naval Correspondence Course Center, while earning a master's degree at New York University.

00:40:26 - Interview and work with Admiral H. G. Rickover

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RL: Well, I left there and went to Washington, D.C. I went down to be interviewed by Admiral H.G. Rickover.

Segment Synopsis: Lloyd discusses her interview with Admiral Rickover, his leadership style and background, and many of her experiences as an engineering assistant in the Naval Reactors Branch, Division of Reactor Development, Atomic Energy Commission.

00:56:19 - Launch of the USS Nautilus in 1954

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BC: Were you still on his staff when the USS Nautilus (SSN-571) launched in 1954?

Segment Synopsis: Lloyd recalls in detail the launch of the USS Nautilus and her emotional reaction to the historic event.

01:01:39 - Naval Postgraduate School in Montery, California

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BC: How long did you stay with Admiral Rickover?

Segment Synopsis: Lloyd discusses training and experiences at the Naval Postgraduate School.

01:06:50 - Administrative Officer at Norfolk Naval Station/collateral duties

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RL: I went from there to the naval station in Norfolk, Virginia.

Segment Synopsis: Lloyd discusses several of her many responsibilities as an administration officer which included overseeing the construction of a new women's barracks, maintaining an officer's club and bachelor officers' quarters, and off shore patrol duty. Lloyd recalls responding to an incident of racial violence.

01:16:35 - Naval Management School, Monterey, CA

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BC: What was your next assignment? You went to Monterey back to school.

Segment Synopsis: Lloyd discusses her experience at Naval Management School, where she developed an interest in the field of economics.

01:19:05 - Assignment in the Office of Chief of Naval Operations

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RL: I went back to the Chief of Naval—the Office of Chief of Naval Operations.

Segment Synopsis: Lloyd discusses the newly established office known as Op94Victor which oversaw global naval communications, as well as her duties which involved budgeting and manpower requirements.

01:25:52 - Assassination of President John F. Kennedy

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BC: Were you there when President [John Fitzgerald] Kennedy was assassinated?

Segment Synopsis: Lloyd recalls learning of the assassination of President Kennedy while on holiday in Thailand and the touching reactions of several Thai people she encountered.

01:28:39 - Secretary of Defense assignment in Puerto Rico

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BC: You had mentioned that you were sent to Puerto Rico—

Segment Synopsis: Lloyd discusses in detail Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara's desire to streamline services and consolidate worldwide military communications under Navy control, as well as her work as part of a team sent to Puerto Rico tasked with working with army and air force personnel in order to complete the transition.

01:38:58 - Administration and Personnel Office in Japan

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RL: Let’s see. Let me think. I guess that’s when I went to Japan, yes. I came back and I finished my job there. And I went to Japan in April of 1963.

Segment Synopsis: Lloyd discusses her initial disappointment in being assigned to Japan, working with and learning from Japanese people, and several memorable social experiences.

01:52:34 - Comptroller for amphibious base in Coronado, CA

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BC: When did you return to the States?

Segment Synopsis: Lloyd discusses being assigned to Coronado base by the comptroller of the Bureau of Naval Personnel, improving base conditions on a limited budget, and earning the nickname "Moneybags."

02:00:30 - Impact of the Vietnam War/anti-war sentiment

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BC: Now, this was in the mid-60s. Did the increasing U.S. involvement in Vietnam have any impact on your work at all?

Segment Synopsis: Lloyd discusses the impact of the Vietnam War on her work, anti-war sentiment, and the challenges of being in service during this era.

02:09:50 - Final assignment/retirement

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RL: And as the Vietnam War wore on, the—our boss who was Commander Amphibious Force, Pacific Fleet, asked for me to come up for his staff. And, so, I left the amphibious base staff and went to COMPHIBPAC Staff, and I retired from there.

Segment Synopsis: Lloyd discusses her decision to retire from service in the early 70's, learning of her mother's serious health concerns and medical bills, and how she became financially secure as a realtor.

02:20:05 - Changes over the course of military career

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BC: Can you tell me a little bit about what had changed over the course of your twenty years of service?

Segment Synopsis: Lloyd discusses many of the changes in attitudes towards and roles of women in serving in the military.

02:32:02 - Recommending service

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BC: Would you recommend the service to young women today?

Segment Synopsis: Lloyd discusses why she recommends military service to young women.

02:34:23 - Career as a realtor

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BC: Is there anything that you would like to add or anything I didn’t ask about that you wanted to share with us?

Segment Synopsis: Lloyd discusses her approach to acquiring real estate, how it has evolved over time, and how gratifying it has been to share what she has learned with others.

02:41:01 - UNCG to become a beneficiary/closing remarks

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RL: And I’m still trying. We just exchanged—I had the first house that I owned in Imperial Beach, which was a wreck when I bought it, I just exchanged that into an eight-unit apartment building here in San Diego.

Segment Synopsis: Lloyd discusses her plans to direct proceeds from a property sale to UNCG, shares final thoughts about Women's College (now UNCG) and closing remarks are made.