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00:00:06 - Teaching Morse Code at Scott Force Base; flying lessons

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: You actually did become a teacher and teach. You taught radio code to the GIs.

Segment Synopsis: Audio begins at this point in the transcript and Smith discusses hitchhiking to Scott Air Force Base in IL, to teach Morse Code to GI's and taking flight lessons

00:05:35 - Joining the WASP in April, 1944; training at Avenger Field, TX

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Do you recall when you joined the WASP?

Segment Synopsis: Smith discusses joining the Women Airforce Service Pilots, physical and written tests, and several of her experiences involving training, quarters, instructors, off-duty activities and planes

00:23:44 - Activities after August, 1944 as WASP disbands

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: That’s right. So what did you do after you got out in August?

Segment Synopsis: Smith discusses returning to Charleston, IL, and working as a secretary after the WASP is disbanded, and continuing flying in order to pursue a commercial license until her marriage to Don Smith

00:27:18 - Raising children; teaching career

Play segment

Partial Transcript: MS: I’d go out after work and weekends and fly, and I met my future husband there. When he got out of the army—I can’t remember when he got out—but I know we were married a year later, and that was the end of my flying.

Segment Synopsis: Smith discusses marriage and children, ending her flying activities, raising a family in southern IL, and several teaching positions held in elementary and high schools

00:34:20 - Experiences with discrimination

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: If we could backtrack to the World War II period of time, you had mentioned something earlier about how the men viewed the women who wanted to become WASPs.

Segment Synopsis: Smith discusses her observations and experiences involving discrimination against WASPS, African Americans and other groups during her time in service

00:37:18 - Physical, emotional challenges; acrobatic flying; memorable moment

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: During your service as a WASP, what was the hardest thing you had to do physically?

Segment Synopsis: Smith discusses her greatest physical and emotional challenges, enjoying acrobatic flying with local crop duster pilots, and a memorable landing after a solo training flight

00:48:39 - Children; business education teaching career; heroes and heroines

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Have any of your children been in the military or done any flying or anything like that?

Segment Synopsis: Smith discusses her children, her nearly 30 year career as a high school business education teacher, and famous figures she admires and respects

00:55:35 - Personal independence; trailblazer role; impact of service

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Well, do you consider yourself to be an independent person?

Segment Synopsis: Smith discusses her independent nature, considers her role as a trailblazer, and receiving attention from media sources later in life for her WASP service

01:07:35 - First in group to fly solo experience; interview conclusion

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HT: Mrs. Smith, tell me about the time you flew solo and were thrown into the well.

Segment Synopsis: Smith recalls being tossed into a shallow wishing well for being the first flight soloist in her training group as part of a tradition at Avenger Field, followed by the interview conclusion