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00:00:09 - Interview introduction

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Partial Transcript: KA: Today is Tuesday, April 17, 2007, and this is Kim Adkins speaking. I’m in the home of Mrs. Rosetta McMahon in High Point, North Carolina.

Segment Synopsis: Interview introduction

00:00:23 - Life highlights; biographical information

Play segment

Partial Transcript: KA: Please tell me about your life before you entered the military.

Segment Synopsis: McMahon initially provides a summary of her life and career, followed by a detailed discussion of her family and early life, growing up in McMechen, WV, graduating from Union High School in 1938

00:12:42 - Work after high school; recalling Pearl Harbor; decision to join

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RM: My close to college was I worked in the tea room at the local college where all the—not all of them, but some of them that I went to high school with, they attended college.

Segment Synopsis: McMahon discusses working in a tea room n a local college and later at a company involved in defense manufacturing, her reaction to the attack on Pearl Harbor, and reasons why she decided to join the service

00:17:26 - Family reaction; WAVES basic training at Indiana University

Play segment

Partial Transcript: KA: When did you enter the service?

Segment Synopsis: McMahon discusses reaction of family and friends to her decision to join the WAVES in October, 1942, and describes several aspects of her basic training experience at Indiana University

00:24:09 - Navy Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Washington, DC assignment

Play segment

Partial Transcript: KA: And where were you stationed after basic training?

Segment Synopsis: McMahon discusses her work as a clerk-typist at the Bureau, living quarters, uniforms, rank, and treatment by male co-workers

00:29:54 - Most difficult challenge; social opportunities

Play segment

Partial Transcript: KA: What about emotionally? What was the hardest thing?

Segment Synopsis: McMahon discusses her most difficult challenge while in service as well as her participation in several social activities

00:34:34 - Heroes and heroines; famous figures; Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt

Play segment

Partial Transcript: KA: Who were your heroes or heroines of those days?

Segment Synopsis: McMahon discusses people who have influenced her life in positive ways and famous figures she respects and admires

00:40:25 - Favorite songs; VE Day and VJ Day

Play segment

Partial Transcript: KA: Do you have any favorite songs from the World War II era?

Segment Synopsis: McMahon discusses her favorite songs and musical genres, her memories of Victory in Europe Day, and recalls how she and her family celebrated Victory in Japan Day in McMechen, WV

00:45:19 - Work and volunteer efforts after discharge in March, 1944

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Partial Transcript: RM: I just decided the town was too small, and then my husband and I decided—well, he decided he’s going to reenlist. So, he did. From then on it was one place after the other. [laughs] Really something.

Segment Synopsis: McMahon discusses positions she held in several locations after her husband re-enlisted in the air force, and becoming a Red Cross volunteer and Girl Scout leader

00:48:19 - Adjustment to civilian life; independence; women's liberation movement

Play segment

Partial Transcript: KA: Was readjusting to civilian life easy for you?

Segment Synopsis: McMahon discusses adjusting to civilian life, her independent nature, and her views regarding the women's liberation movement

00:52:52 - Meeting and marriage to Chester McMahon

Play segment

Partial Transcript: KA: What was your husband’s name?

Segment Synopsis: McMahon discusses meeting and corresponding with airman Chester McMahon and their marriage in 1943 in Jacksonville, FL

00:56:04 - Women in combat roles; sons in the military; interesting story

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RM: How do you feel about women in combat positions?

Segment Synopsis: McMahon discusses her views regarding women's roles in the military, the service of two of her sons, and she recalls a humorous story from her time in service

01:02:28 - Captain Mildred McAfee; interview conclusion

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EM: Captain [Mildred] McAfee was one of the nicest ladies I ever—I didn’t meet her personally, but she came where the training school, and I knew who she was but not personally.

Segment Synopsis: McMahon discusses her admiration for Captain Mildred McAfee and the interview concludes