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00:00:00 - Interview introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: Okay, this is Therese Strohmer and I’m at the house of Carol—?

Segment Synopsis: The interviewer introduces herself - Therese Strohmer - and the interviewee - Carol Nachtrab.

00:00:37 - Biographical information; Nursing school

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Partial Transcript: TS: Okay, Carol, my first question is why don’t you tell me a little about where and when you were born?
CN: I was born in Napoleon, Ohio, in June of 1941

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab recalls growing up in Napoleon Ohio. She talks about being the only girl with several brothers. She talks about her favorite subjects in high school and working at a hotel during high school.
When she first started nursing school at Toledo Hospital School of Nursing, she had friends there with whom she partied too much and was kicked out. One year later she started at Lima Memorial Hospital School of Nursing.

Keywords: Lima Memorial Hospital School of Nursing; Napoleon Ohio

00:04:07 - Life after nursing school

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Partial Transcript: TS: So after nursing school, what did you do next?
CN:I moved to Columbus and got a job at Riverside-White Cross.

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab discusses moving to Columbus OH and working at Riverside- White Cross Hospital. She lived with several other nurses. She is asked to recall where she was and how she felt when John F. Kennedy was shot. She talks about what work in the hospital was like after JFK assassination.
She also discusses her feelings on other social movements during the 1960s.

Keywords: 1960s; John F. Kennedy; Columbus OH

00:08:01 - Joining the army

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Partial Transcript: TS: Yes. Well, let’s go a little bit into why you decided to join the military, then. Why don’t you tell me a little bit about that that and other things you might have been considering at the time, although you were working as a nurse.

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab recounts signing up for the air force with a friend of hers. She left her job and went back home to spend some time before she would have to leave. Months went by with no word from the recruiter - turns out he had forgotten to file their paperwork. So, Nachtrab went and enlisted in the army instead. She and her brother drove her down to her first station in Texas.

Keywords: Army

00:12:08 - Family reactions

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Partial Transcript: TS: And did you have any—well, how did your family feel about your decision?
CN:They were all right with it.

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab recalls being supported by her family, for the most part. However, she hadn't told them that she had enlisted solely for the purpose of going to Vietnam.
She says that her younger brother wound up being drafted to Vietnam, while she was already there. She wound up extending her time there so that he wouldn't have to go. (The law at the time was that only one family member could go at a time.)

Keywords: Vietnam War; Army

00:17:14 - Why she chose to go to Vietnam

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Partial Transcript: TS: That’s right. Well we’re going to go back now to pick your brain a little bit further on when you signed up for the army and you said you wanted to go to Vietnam. Why? Why that—why did you want to do that, Carol?

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab is asked why she felt so compelled to go serve in Vietnam. She explains that she felt like she'd gone as far as she could with her nursing career and that she really felt like she could help people over there. The protests upset her a lot.

Keywords: Vietnam War; Army

00:18:51 - Fort Sam Houston

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Partial Transcript: TS: So you get to Fort Sam Houston, and how old were you at that time?
CN:I was twenty-nine then.

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab details arriving at Fort Sam Houston in Texas. She recounts how hard it was doing nurses training after having been out of school so long, and not doing well compared to some of the younger students.
She tells about learning to shoot and M16.

Keywords: Fort Sam Houston; Nurses; Army

00:22:37 - Qui Nhon

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Partial Transcript: TS: Did you ever have to put any of that training into use, though?
CN: No, like I said, the one time it—we—in Qui Nhon we were on the coast.

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab recalls a particularly harrowing experience in Qui Nhon Vietnam when an ammo dump was exploded. She details hiding and protecting her patients on the ward.

Keywords: Army; Vietnam War; Qui Nhon Vietnam

00:28:52 - Flight to Vietnam

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Partial Transcript: TS: Could you talk a little bit about your plane ride—you described a little bit in the News and Record—to Vietnam.

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab goes back and recounts the travel experience to Vietnam, everyone being very nice to her and very supportive. She recalls playing cards with the guys all night on the 24 hour flight.
They arrived in Long Binh for several days awaiting assignments. She describes the first reactions she had to arriving in Vietnam.

00:34:12 - Qui Nhon (again)

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: That’s a good question. How about, where was the evacuation hospital, what was the name of it?
CN: It was the 67th evac hospital and it was in Qui Nhon, which was right in the kind of middle of Vietnam on the coast

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab gives a more detailed account of what life was like in Qui Nhon Vietnam. She explains what the area was like, what her jobs were, and what the soldiers/patients were like.
She describes her hospital.
She details her living arrangement, a "Quonset hut," living with cockroaches, etc.

Keywords: Army; Nurse; Vietnam War; Qui Nhon Vietnam

00:39:06 - Food in Vietnam

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Partial Transcript: CN: We also we were always writing home to the States to send us stuff. And we could cook a complete Thanksgiving dinner in the fry pans, and we did it.

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab talks about the type of food they had available to them while she was stationed in Vietnam.

Keywords: Army; Vietnam War; Vietnam

00:41:23 - Average day in Qui Nhon

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Partial Transcript: TS:So you think you could describe—I hate to use the word typical, because I don’t imagine you had a typical day—but could you describe from the time you got up to the time you went to bed? Could you give us a scenario like that or maybe even a most memorable one?

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab tells of what a normal day looked like for the nurses in the intensive care hospital - changing lots of IVs for the patients, lots of antibiotic IVs, doing a lot of tracheotomies, caring for burn patients, treating a cholera and a tetanus patient was memorable for her.
She talks about being close to the beach and being able to kind of go there to relax a little bit in between hectic shifts.

Keywords: Nurse; Qui Nhon Vietnam; Vietnam War; Army

00:50:41 - Challenges

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: Well, let me ask you, Carol, if there—was there any particular time that was particularly difficult that you remember that was—?

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab talks about the difficult parts of being in Vietnam - sometimes having to choose to let one patient die, in an effort to save many others. She discusses how difficult it was when she came back, needing to be alone and have time to process. She also mentions how badly Vietnam Veterans are treated, how they are generally looked down on.

Keywords: Nurse; Qui Nhon Vietnam; Vietnam War; Army

00:55:27 - Humor in Vietnam

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Partial Transcript: TS: How about tell me—do you remember anything that was specifically humorous?
CN: Well, let’s see. Oh, we’d pull some things.

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab recalls some of the lighter moments of her time in the intensive care hospital in Qui Nhon. She says they tried to make the best of what was a bad situation.

Keywords: Army; Nurse; Vietnam War; Qui Nhon Vietnam

00:59:09 - Culture of the times

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Partial Transcript: TS: How about like the culture that was happening? There was a lot of new types of music coming out. Was there an interest in that? Like even in the—what about the anti-war songs with [Bob] Dylan and the things that were playing?

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab talks about not being too into the anti-war music of the time. She tells of watching tv - Big Time Wrestling - and she says a lot of them were into smoking marijuana and having black lights.
The interviewer asks if many movies or tv shows portray it accurately, and Nachtrab says a lot of them get it wrong.

Keywords: 1970s; Army; Nurse; Vietnam War; Qui Nhon Vietnam

01:02:13 - Downtime; Treatment of hepatitis

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS:You said you worked like twelve hours shifts, and that sometimes you had the four on and four off, and you described a little bit about your downtime, but did you have any—did you get out at all?

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab talks about what she was able to do during her downtime. She recalls going to see Vietnamese bands.
She says how she took R&R to Australia, Taiwan (where she was diagnosed with hepatitis).
She details how she discovered she had hepatitis, and how that was handled.
She briefly discusses MPCs and the black market.

Keywords: Army; Nurse; Vietnam War; Qui Nhon Vietnam

01:07:50 - Worklife

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS:Now you’re—you’ve talked very highly of the men that you worked with. Did you ever know of anyone that had suffered any kind of sexual harassment or discrimination or anything like that?

Segment Synopsis: The interviewer asks if Nachtrab ever experienced or witnessed any sexual harassment or discrimination, to which she replied no.
She goes on to detail specific situations she encountered while nursing in the intensive care hospital in Qui Nhon.

Keywords: Nurse; Qui Nhon Vietnam; Vietnam War; Army

01:13:30 - Fellow nurses and commanders

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS:Did you have any like favorite supervisors or commanders or anything? You were there for eighteen months, so I don’t know if there was a turnover.

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab talks about the commanding nurses and officers she worked with. She talks about the corpsmen and nurses she worked with and what those relationships were like.

Keywords: Army; Qui Nhon Vietnam; Vietnam War; Nurse

01:16:05 - Looking her best

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS:You had talked in your poem that I remember that you wrote, about trying to look—you remember always trying to look your best, and the perfume. Do you want to talk about that a little bit more?

Segment Synopsis: The interviewer calls back to a poem Nachtrab wrote where she mentions always trying to look her best. When asked about it, Nachtrab said that it helped the men when the women nurses looked and smelled nice - that it boosted their morale. Because of the humidity, they often requested beauty products from home.
She also recalls when the USO came and how beautiful the female performers were and how the men reacted to that.

Keywords: Army; Nurse; USO; Vietnam War; Qui Nhon Vietnam

01:19:10 - Opinions at the time

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Partial Transcript: TS:Now what did you think about, basically, the administration, the government at that time and the leadership at that time?
CN: At that time, I don’t think we agreed that we should be there

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab says she thinks that maybe they shouldn't have been involved in the Vietnam war - that it was very political. She didn't quite understand why America was involved in a country that had already been at war amongst themselves for so long.
She talks more about what it was like coming home and how the guys were treated so badly by Americans when they got back.

Keywords: Army; Nurse; Vietnam War

01:24:55 - Returning to America

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS:Did you—you had—would you say you had a difficult time then, in returning?
CN: Somewhat. After that, again, like I said, I couldn’t talk about it.

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab talks about how difficult it was coming back to the US after Vietnam, how she had a hard time talking about it. When working in Maryland as a nurse, she had a hard time working with the patients because of her experience in Vietnam.
She also mentions the various illnesses that she and other Vietnam vets have or have had, presumably from Agent Orange and other Vietnam related disease and exposure.

Keywords: Veteran; Vietnam war; Army nurse

01:29:59 - Army Nurses Corp

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Partial Transcript: TS:It’s okay. I was going to ask you if you—so when you joined the army, it was the Army Nurse Corps. Was there a period of time that you were supposed to serve? Was it a three year—?
CN: It was a two-year [commitment].

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab explains that her original agreement was two years, but because she did eighteen months in Vietnam, she got out early. She decided not to make a career of it, because she didn't want to go back to school to become a higher rank, and Vietnam was particularly hard on her.

Keywords: Army; Vietnam War; Army Nurse

01:31:37 - Feelings about the army

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS:How about that? How do you feel about how the army treated you then? For a—
CN: Yeah. I think it was all right. I mean I got—I went in, I got what I wanted, pay was good. I think it was okay.

Segment Synopsis: The interviewer asks how Nachtrab feels about how the army treated her. She talks about her promotion from First Lieutenant to Captain.
She does state that she doesn't like the red tape and beaurocracy of the military.
She does also say that she thinks a lot of people would benefit from serving in the military.

Keywords: Army; Veteran; Army Nurse

01:35:13 - Anti-war movement; Women's movement

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS:We talked a little bit about the anti-war movement and how you felt about that. Is there anything you’d like to add to that? From when you came back, more, because we talked about a little bit before you went in.

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab details more about her feelings on the anti-war movement of the Vietnam War era. Her belief is that protesting is a waste of time - she thinks people should do something about the problems instead of complaining.
She talks about her feelings on the women's movement - she claims she is wishy-washy on that subject.

Keywords: Vietnam War

01:38:09 - Veteran's benefits

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Partial Transcript: TS:Now have you—were you able to use any of your veteran’s benefits at all?
CN: I didn’t.

Segment Synopsis: When asked if she's used any veteran's benefits, Nachtrab replies that she hasn't. She says it's got a lot of hoops to jump through to get the help needed. Ultimately, it's not worth it for her. She also says that there are a lot of people who abuse the system.

Keywords: VA; Army veteran

01:40:54 - Vietnam veterans

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS:How about—you know a lot of Vietnam veterans. Do you know of any that may be homeless? Or the issue of the homeless Vietnam veterans, is that an issue that has concerned you at all?

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab is asked about whether she knows any Vietnam veterans who have become unhoused. She talks about serving on the Veteran Commission when she lived in Maryland.

Keywords: Vietnam Veterans

01:43:08 - Mental illness

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS:Do you think there’s any link to mental illness at all and some of the trauma they went through?
CN: I think there is very legitimate the PSTD

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab talks about the trauma that the Vietnam veterans survived. She agrees that there should be more support services for them.

Keywords: Vietnam veterans

01:44:11 - Patriotism

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS:Now you had started out a little bit, when you were talking about why you went in the military, part of that—part of it, not all of it—had to do with patriotism. Have your views on patriotism changed at all since then, since 1970?

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab is asked about her views on patriotism. She says she is the same as she's always been and maybe moreso since September 11.
She talks about how being in the military has changed her, how she deals with certain situations.

Keywords: Army; Nurse; Vietnam Veteran

01:45:53 - Advice for women servicemembers

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS:Would you—is there anything in particular that you would—advice that you would give the current generation of women veterans or women—servicewomen?

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab says that she thinks current female military members have it harder - that there seems to be more sexual harassment than what she ever heard of, and that women now face combat, where they did not during the Vietnam war.

Keywords: Vietnam Veteran

01:47:05 - Interview conclusion

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS:Is there anything that you’d like to add that we didn’t get a chance to talk about?

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab is happy that the womens veteran history project is happening.
She discusses her poem a bit.
The interview comes to a natural conclusion.

Keywords: Army; Nurse; Vietnam Veteran

01:50:04 - Bronze Star

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS:Okay, Carol, we’re back on again. I have one question that kind of came up there, that you were talking about the Bronze Star [medal], how you were awarded the Bronze Star and what happened.

Segment Synopsis: Nachtrab talks about being awarded the Bronze Star, along with several other nurses. She and they did not want to accept the award, so they did not attend the ceremony and her award was mailed to her home later, after she got out of the service.

Keywords: Army; Nurse; Vietnam Veteran; Bronze Star