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00:00:00 - Interview introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: So we’re just testing here. And this is Therese Strohmer, and today is March 23. I am in Wilmington, North Carolina.

Segment Synopsis: The interviewer - Therese Strohmer - introduces the interviewee Nancy Christ.

00:00:41 - Biographical information

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: That sounds terrific then. All right, Nancy, we’re going to go ahead and start out and we’ll talk a little bit about your background, where you were born and where you grew up. Just start with that.

Segment Synopsis: Christ recounts growing up during the depression years of the 1930s in North Brunswick Township NJ with her parents and siblings. Her father was a butcher and her mother was a homemaker until the kids grew up then she was a tax collector. She had an older sister, a twin sister, and a younger brother.
She recalls the area being quite rural and spending a lot of her time playing outdoors.

Keywords: 1930s; Depression era; North Brunswick NJ

00:08:39 - High school

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: So what about high school? Where did you attend high school?
NC: I attended high school in New Brunswick, New Brunswick High

Segment Synopsis: Christ recounts going to an integrated high school in New Brunswick NJ. She discusses racial inequities of the times - the 1940s.
She talks about playing lots of sports during high schools.
She tells an anecdote about one time she skipped school with friends, to go visit friends at another school.

Keywords: 1940s; New Brunswick NJ

00:15:40 - Being a twin

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: When you talk about your twin, could you describe your personalities, if you know any of the similarities and differences you had in your personalities between you and your twin.

Segment Synopsis: The interviewer asks Christ to talk about growing up as a twin, and what the similarities and differences are between the two sisters.

Keywords: New Jersey

00:18:42 - Interest in nursing

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: Right. And we’ll talk about those. I think those are really important to talk about. But I want to go kind of a little chronologically here and talk about how after high school, or even when you were in high school, were you thinking about the future and what you wanted to do?

Segment Synopsis: Christ talks about how she always planned on going into nursing, even as a child. She mentions how women did not have as many options back then, but that the idea of taking care of other people always appealed to her.

Keywords: Nursing

00:21:24 - Working during high school

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Partial Transcript: TS: I think that’s a wonderful explanation. Now did you go into nursing school then right after high school?
NC: Yes.

Segment Synopsis: The interviewer asks if Christ worked during high school. Christ replies that she worked on an assembly line at Carter's Little Liver Pills factory.

Keywords: 1940s; North Brunswick NJ; Carter's Little Liver Pills

00:27:34 - Nurses training

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: Yes. Very creative.
NC: Isn’t it, though?
TS: Very good. Well, let’s get you back to when you went in the army nurses’ training and what—

Segment Synopsis: Christ talks about going to a three year nursing program through Fitkin Memorial Hospital in Neptune NJ. The first six months was academia at a junior college, and then the clinical work.
Christ looks back fondly on her time at nursing school and remembering her friends from the program.

Keywords: Neptune NJ; Nursing

00:36:07 - After nursing school/Living in Florida

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: Now, I know you didn’t go into Army Nurse’s Corp right away. What did you do after nursing school?
NC: Well, interestingly enough, everybody—At that time, most of my classmates were getting engaged and married

Segment Synopsis: Christ tells of working in the operating room at Fitkin Hospital as a new graduate of nursing school, playing softball, and getting engaged. She lived with her twin and two other classmates. The four of them decided to take off for Florida, so she ended her engagement.
Christ recounts a funny anecdote about getting her classmate's car stuck in the sand on Myrtle Beach.
Christ and her friends and sister spent one year living right on Miami Beach in Florida, working at Mount Sinai Medical Center.

Keywords: Mount Sinai Medical Center; Miami FL

00:45:45 - Cuban missile crisis

Play segment

Partial Transcript: NC: And that’s another whole story. It was wonderful.
TS: Yes.
NC: Because during the Cuban crises in 1963, guess where I ended up in the army?
TS: Homestead?

Segment Synopsis: Christ tells the tale of being located at Homestead Air Force Base in Florida during the Cuban Missile Crisis. She was stationed at Letterman Army Hospital in California but got sent to Homestead.
When she first arrived in Florida, there were no quarters for women, so she stayed in a hotel.
Then they pitched tents for the nurses, during hurricane season, so they had to deal with rain the whole three weeks, she says 3-4 inches of rain inside their tent.
She tells an anecdote about getting a thrombosed hemorrhoid that needed to be operated on in the operating room she was running.

Keywords: Homestead AFB; Cuban Missile Crisis

01:01:17 - Joining the Army Nurses Corps

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: Oh, no, no, no. I love the stories. They’re wonderful. But I want to—let’s—you and I talked earlier about how you decided to get—go in the Army Nurse Corps. Why don’t you talk about that a little bit? What motivated you to do this and what you were doing kind of before?

Segment Synopsis: Christ tells of returning to New Jersey with her sister after spending a year in Florida, in 1954. They worked at Muhlenberg Hospital in Plainfield NJ. Christ was teaching an operating room class, which required her to take Bachelors degree classes. She went to Teachers College at Columbia University in NY. To pay for school, they worked at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in NY. As part of the program, they had to work full time for a year. She spent six months as a public health nurse in the Bronx and six months at Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.
One of her instructors during this time asked Christ about considering the military. Due to her experience nursing, she went in as a First Lieutenant.
After several years, she convinced her twin, Lynn, to join as well, at the age of 34.
Christ makes several jokes about serving with her sister, and how she got to Vietnam before her, and retired at a higher rank despite joining four years later.

Keywords: Army Nurse Corps; Columbia University; Muhlenberg Hospital

01:19:22 - Family reactions

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: Well, when you did decide to go to the nurse’s corps, Army Nurse Corps, what did your parents think about that?
NC: They were very supportive and very happy.

Segment Synopsis: The interviewer asks Christ how her family handled the news of her decision to join the Army Nurses Corps. Christ says they were very supportive and happy, that her family had history of military service.
She goes on to talk about parts of her tour to Vietnam, and her twin sister Lynn's tour who overlapped with hers. To do this, Christ had to take her parents to Washington DC to approve her to go to Vietnam as well, as she was originally slated to go to Korea.

Keywords: Vietnam War; Army Nurses Corps

01:24:40 - Heading to Vietnam

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: Now, where were you sent when you went to Vietnam?
NC: I was sent to 3rd Field Hospital right outside of Saigon, Tan Son Nhut Air Base

Segment Synopsis: Christ recounts arriving at 3rd Field Hospital in Saigon at Tan Son Nhut Air Base. Her sister was stationed at 3rd Surgical Hospital in Bien Hoa. Christ was there from February of 1966 to February of 1967.
Christ details the experience of flying into the Vietnamese airport and arriving alone.

Keywords: 1960s; Tan Son Nhut Air Base; Vietnam War; Army Nurses Corps

01:30:58 - Impressions of Vietnam

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: Was it what you expected when you got to Vietnam?
NC: I really didn’t know what to expect.

Segment Synopsis: Christ is asked what she expected of Vietnam. She recalls that she had no idea what to expect, as she had never traveled abroad before. She goes on to say that she was pretty quickly met with a feeling of camaraderie and security.

Keywords: 1960s; Army Nurses Corps; Vietnam War; Saigon Vietnam

01:34:52 - Feeling about war

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: What did—did you—was there any sense—You were there in ‘66 and you were in Vietnam. Was there any turmoil going on about the war at that time before you left, or was there any?
NC: No, I think it was just starting to take its turn.

Segment Synopsis: The interviewer asks Christ if there was any turmoil in the United States at that time concerning the war in Vietnam and what her feelings were about the war.
Christ responds that she had spent that time leading up to her deployment working hard creating a procedural manual for nurses and she wasn't paying a lot of attention to the attitudes of average civilians at that time.

Keywords: 1960s; Army Nurses Corps; Fort Jay; Vietnam War

01:41:15 - Average day in Vietnam

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: —if you could kind of describe getting up and then your day and then going to sleep. Can you do that?
NC: Well, I was the assistant operating room supervisor there, so most of my work was day shift.

Segment Synopsis: Christ describes her day-to-day life working as an Army nurse at the 3rd Field Hospital in Tan Son Nhut Vietnam. She details the type of work that she did and what the hospital functioned like. Christ's title was operating room nurse.

Keywords: 1960s; 3rd Field Hospital; Vietnam War; Army Nurses Corps

01:53:18 - Patients in Vietnam

Play segment

Partial Transcript: NC: Okay, we’re starting another segment with Nancy Christ. Go ahead, Nancy. You were talking about you can’t remember the names of any of the patients.

Segment Synopsis: Christ talks about not ever really getting to know any of the soldiers/her patients, being as she was an operating room nurse. Only being with them a short time, and them not being awake, she rarely even knew their names.

Keywords: 1960s; Vietnam War; Army Nurses Corps

01:59:19 - Vietnamese people

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: So while you were in Vietnam, do you have any particular memories of the Vietnamese people that you’d like to share?
NC: Several come immediately to my mind.

Segment Synopsis: The interviewer asks if there are any memorable Vietnamese people that Christ knew. Christ talks about a woman who worked with her in the OR who ended up marrying one of the other techs.
She tells a funny anecdote involving her sister and a Vietnamese maid.
She remarks on how in these situations, you tend to remember the good parts.

Keywords: 1960s; Vietnam War; Army Nurses Corps

02:06:40 - Fun in Vietnam

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: I think it probably is, yes. With your sister at the same place—the activities that you guys did in nursing school was sometimes a little rambunctious—did you have any kind of fun together in Vietnam as well, or was that a different climate for that?

Segment Synopsis: Christ recalls things she and the other nurses would do for fun while stationed in Vietnam. She says she had an OR tech friend that she used to hang out with and they traveled to Da Lat, with some Australian soldiers.
She also says that even when her sister was working at the same hospital, they didn't get to spend too much time together, because Christ was technically her sister's boss.
She reminisces about trying to water ski on the Saigon River.

Keywords: 1960s; Army Nurses Corps; Vietnam War

02:11:27 - Fear in Vietnam

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: Did you ever feel like you were in danger while you were in Vietnam?
NC: Not really. I didn’t have enough sense, I guess.

Segment Synopsis: Christ talks about how it never really occurred to her to be afraid. Even when things were happening around her, it just didn't dawn on her that she was in danger.

Keywords: 1960s; Vietnam War; Army Nurses Corps

02:17:45 - Emotional challenges

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: Was there anything in particularly hard emotionally for you while you were in Vietnam, that you know that at the time you were thinking about it?
NC: No, I really can’t come up with—and perhaps that’s all part of why there is no post-traumatic syndrome

Segment Synopsis: The interviewer asks Christ if there was anything that was particularly hard for her emotionally. Christ replies that no, but that she did have a drinking problem though she admits that she had a drinking problem before she ever joined the military or went to Vietnam.
She tells an anecdote about one time partying interfered with her getting to work on time, but insists that the drinking never otherwise interrupted her doing her job.

Keywords: Alcoholism; Vietnam War; Army Nurses Corps

02:29:14 - Cheryl Brown

Play segment

Partial Transcript: NC:How’s the sociologist doing here? How’s it sounding, Cheryl? Fascinating, isn’t it? Hey, are you in agreement with that alcohol business that it’s more a chemical dependency as opposed to mental, social?

Segment Synopsis: Christ addresses another person in the room, a sociologist, about her opinions on alcoholism. Cheryl Brown discusses her expertise on the subject, and her personal experiences with alcohol.

Keywords: Alcoholism; Vietnam War; Army Nurses Corp

02:32:25 - Making a career

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: At what point did you think that you wanted to make it a career?
NC: Before I even went to Vietnam, when I had the experience of Letterman

Segment Synopsis: Christ recalls what led to her deciding to make the Army and nursing her career. She looks back to her first duty station at Letterman and her love of travel. She claims job and pay security were big reasons. She had no plans to get married or have a family. She also credits her desire to serve her country.

Keywords: Army Nurses Corps

02:38:45 - Recruiting

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: What years were you a recruiter? Do you remember?
NC: Nineteen—as soon as I came back from Vietnam in February of ‘67 until the latter part of 1969

Segment Synopsis: Christ talks about her years spent as an Army Nurses Corps recruiter after returning from Vietnam - 1967-1969. She worked this position in Pennsylvania.

Keywords: Pennsylvania; Recruiter; Army Nurses Corps

02:43:59 - Discrimination in the military

Play segment

Partial Transcript: NC: Well, did you notice—were you ever—Did you ever feel or hear about any sort of sexual harassment of men towards women in the military at that time? I know they didn’t really call it that then.
NC: Personally, none for me.

Segment Synopsis: The interviewer asks Christ if she ever experienced or witnessed any harassment or discrimination against women while in the military and in Vietnam. Christ replies that she never saw or heard of anything of the sort. She says conducting yourself like a lady and like an officer commands respect.

Keywords: Army Nurses Corps; Vietnam War

02:49:55 - Authority

Play segment

Partial Transcript: NC: I tell you what I’d like to share with you, though, Therese, while we’re on military. A lot of people talk in terms of being given orders and this type of thing.

Segment Synopsis: Christ talks about levels of authority in the military. She recounts being in leadership positions and giving orders.

Keywords: Vietnam War; Army Nurses Corps

02:57:38 - Military influence

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: Yes. Well let’s—that’s a good segue to a question I was going to ask you about any—how you feel about—Did the military influence your life? I mean, you were thirty—what did we say, thirty-three, thirty-two when you went in?

Segment Synopsis: The interviewer asks what the influence of serving twenty years in the military had on Christ's life. Christ was around 32 years old when she joined the Army Nurses Corps.
Christ replies that the military enhanced her life and made her more responsible.

Keywords: Vietnam War; Army Nurses Corps

03:02:16 - Patriotism

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: I have two questions for you. The second to last one is how would you define patriotism?
NC: That’s not difficult for me, really. It’s my life. I love my country.

Segment Synopsis: The interviewer asks Christ to define patriotism. Christ replies that it's who she is, that she loves her country, and that she's a Christian.
She says patriotism is being true to yourself and your country.

Keywords: Patriotism; Vietnam Veteran; Army Nurses Corps

03:10:29 - Final thoughts

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: That’s true. Well, Nancy, you have a long career and many wonderful stories. I was just wondering if there’s anything you’d like to add that—you know, there’s many things that we haven’t talked about—but anything in particular that you’d like to add that I haven’t asked you about.

Segment Synopsis: Christ recounts several other stories.
One such anecdote is about when Christ and her twin sister were due to be on the Bob Hope Show in Vietnam.

Keywords: 1960s; Bob Hope Show; Vietnam War era; Army Nurses Corps