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00:00:02 - Introductions

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: Okay, today is July 29th 2009. I am in Ann Arbor, Michigan. This is Therese Strohmer and I’m with Adele Graham.

Segment Synopsis: Interview introductions

00:00:25 - Biographical information

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: I’m back here with Adele, and we were talking about her father being a career marine.

Segment Synopsis: Graham discusses her father's Marine career, early education and experiences, and several of the places she lived while growing up.

00:26:53 - Deciding to go to Women's College, Greensboro, NC

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: So how was it that you decided to go to college?

Segment Synopsis: Graham discusses what led to her decision to enroll in Women's College

00:34:53 - Education and experiences at Women's College

Play segment

Partial Transcript: AG: So when I first applied there, I was in art.

Segment Synopsis: Graham discusses changing her major to Home Economics, Cold War events, professors and advisors, and considering a career in the retail field.

00:48:23 - Deciding on service in the Marine Corps

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: So how did the military come into play?

Segment Synopsis: Graham discusses her initial introduction to a Marine Corps recruiting session on the Women's College campus, receiving encouragement from her father, and reactions of friends to her decision.

00:59:36 - Struggles with learning disabilities in high school and college

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Partial Transcript: AG: And I had almost quit WC after my second year, because it had been such a struggle. I went home and my folks knew.

Segment Synopsis: Graham discusses her struggles with learning disabilities and the assistance she received from her aunt.

01:09:59 - Basic training experience at Quantico, Virginia

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: You actually went into the marines in June of ’59.

Segment Synopsis: Graham discusses several of her basic training and supply training experiences at Quantico, Virginia and Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

01:32:47 - Refusing a regular commission

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: Off the tape earlier, you said you were offered a regular commission.

Segment Synopsis: Grahame discusses her reasons for not accepting a regular commission.

01:42:30 - First assignment in Material Division, Quantico, VA

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: So you went—Where did you go to then for your first duty station after your training?

Segment Synopsis: Graham discusses her duty assignment and experiences over the four years she worked in the Material Division, Quantico, Va.

01:56:40 - Exchange field assignment/re-assignment struggles

Play segment

Partial Transcript: AG: So that’s how I got assigned to the exchange field and basically I loved it.

Segment Synopsis: Graham discusses her exchange field duties and an incident involving the exchange officer which led to a re-assignment.

02:12:18 - Parris Island, SC assignment

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: Okay. Getting to Parris Island. What happens there?

Segment Synopsis: Graham discusses her assignment as assistant exchange officer under Lieutenant Colonel Julia Hamlet at Parris Island as well as several of her off-duty experiences.

02:30:12 - President Kennedy/Cuban Missile Crisis

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: You went in first with Eisenhower and then with John F. Kennedy.

Segment Synopsis: Graham discusses President John F. Kennedy's assassination and the Cuban Missile Crisis.

02:34:23 - Decision to leave service/travel destinations

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: So it’s ’65 when you were at Parris Island. And now you have a point here where you are going to get out of the active.

Segment Synopsis: Graham discusses her decision to leave the service as well as several of her off-duty travel experiences

02:45:31 - Getting off active duty/working in the private sector

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: Tell me, now, what was your thinking when you decided to change from active to reserve status, because that’s what is happening here pretty soon right?

Segment Synopsis: Graham discusses turning down a recruiting assignment and getting off active duty, and entering an executive training program at Jordan Marsh Company.

02:52:29 - Return to active duty as a reservist

Play segment

Partial Transcript: AG: Then—they had some—what did they call it—maybe, you know? They have some, not special jobs—temporary.

Segment Synopsis: Graham discusses returning to active temporary duty as a reservist and working in Washington, D.C.

02:57:47 - Position with Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics

Play segment

Partial Transcript: AG: Well, I was working for Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics for a while.

Segment Synopsis: Graham discusses her experience working at Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics.

03:00:48 - Marine Corps project assignments

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: So what are you doing on the marine side of the table there? Are you doing different projects?

Segment Synopsis: Graham discusses her temporary project assignments.

03:02:15 - Retiring as a reservist lieutenant colonel/noteworthy women in the military

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: For a young girl who joined in 1959 for two years you went up through 1990, right? That’s when you retired?

Segment Synopsis: Graham discusses retiring from Marine Corps service as a reservist lieutenant colonel in 1990, and several women who achieved high ranks in the military beginning in the 1960's are also discussed.

03:17:15 - Women's roles in the military

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Partial Transcript: AG: Well, I’ll tell you what huge, huge, huge change was. It was when—well—I’m just—there’s in no particular order. It’s just what pops in my head—is when a lot of the MOSs were opened up to women.

Segment Synopsis: Graham discusses how roles have changed for women in the military and shares her views regarding women in combat.

03:23:01 - Vietnam War era

Play segment

Partial Transcript: TS: I’m going to ask you a question about the Vietnam War.

Segment Synopsis: Graham discusses her experiences while working at Headquarters Marine Corps in Washington, D.C. during the Vietnam War era.

03:26:56 - Military escort at President Nixon's inauguration

Play segment

Partial Transcript: AG: Out of the clear blue sky I was asked if I would like to be a military escort for the first family at the inauguration of the Nixon’s.

Segment Synopsis: Graham discusses being selected as a female Marine Corps escort at the inauguration of Richard M. Nixon.

03:31:18 - Memorable moments

Play segment

Partial Transcript: AG: Another thing I was going to tell you is—you know—we took these military hops where ever and whenever we could, and I traveled pretty much to different parts of the world because of that.

Segment Synopsis: Graham shares several memorable experiences from her time in service.

03:51:20 - Recommending service to young women/closing remarks

Play segment

Partial Transcript: AG: So I don’t know, but I’ll tell you very, very, very, honestly.

Segment Synopsis: Graham discusses her reasons for recommending service to young women today, closing remarks are made and the interview ends.