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00:00:00 - Introduction

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Segment Synopsis: Introduction of interviewer and Sandra Higgins and a brief power outage.

00:00:30 - Motivation for enrollment

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Segment Synopsis: Higgins speaks to the romance of old war movies, the urge for travel, and her father, grandfather and uncle's service as a driving force in enrollment.

Keywords: motivation

Subjects: United States--Armed Forces

00:01:38 - Recruitment and time at Sheppard Air Force Base

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Segment Synopsis: Higgins talks about her decision to join the Air Force, her family's response, and her early focus on mental health after nursing school. The difference in approaches to mental health between civilian and military life kept her AFCS Air Force nurse designation at Sheppard Air Force Base at the end of Vietnam.

Keywords: AFSC; Roanoke; Sheppard Air Force Base; Vietnam; shock therapy; Air Force

Subjects: Military nursing--United States--History; United States. Air Force; Vietnam Era (1964-1974); Air Force

00:12:39 - Officers Basic Training

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Segment Synopsis: Discussion of the discomfort of officer's training and first time being in uniform.

Keywords: Rank; Uniforms; Officers Training

Subjects: Military nursing--United States--History; United States. Air Force

00:16:54 - Life at Sheppard Air Force Base

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Segment Synopsis: The living conditions on base at Sheppard Air Force Base and decision to live off base.

Keywords: Off-base housing

Subjects: United States. Air Force; Military nursing--United States--History

00:22:04 - Social life and gender roles

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Segment Synopsis: Higgins shares that she had no personal experience with gender discrimination in promotions, advancement or reviews. When off duty and on weekends, she went to the officers club and participated in the social scene on the base. Over time, the nurses got more formally military and less lax with the rank structure.

Keywords: alcohol consumption; gender discrimination; gender roles; social life; social life; Sheppard Air Force base

Subjects: Military nursing--United States--History; United States. Air Force

00:32:05 - Leisure time, international pilot training and flight nursing school

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Segment Synopsis: Higgins talks about travel during leave and events at the officer's club at Sheppard. The Shah of Iran's son was on the base while she was stationed there and she really enjoyed learning about different cultures. She wasn't impacted by the politics of the 1970s, with the exception of flight nursing school which taught survival skills.

Keywords: Flight nursing school; Shah of Iran; Sheppard Air Force base; hop; officers club

Subjects: Air Force -- Air Force Nurse Corps; United States. Air Force; Military nursing--United States--History

00:44:17 - Married life, time in England and squadron officer school

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Segment Synopsis: Higgins got married on the base to a pilot and got a joint assignment with her husband in England. After a year, she was the only nurse accepted to Squadron Officer School. She was very proud of her physical fitness resulting from the program, and enjoyed the slower pace of the English countryside.

Keywords: England; Squadron Officer School; Marriage

Subjects: Air Force -- Air Force Nurse Corps; Military nursing--United States--History; United States. Air Force

00:57:01 - Difference in military culture between Sheppard and England

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Segment Synopsis: Due to the Cold War, there were Green Peace marchers outside the gate and the constant threat of Russian Invasion or spy operations. She said it was a war time setting.

Keywords: Green Peace; recall list; cold war

Subjects: Military nursing--United States--History; United States. Air Force; Air Force -- Air Force Nurse Corps

01:02:45 - McGuire Air Force Base, Discharge and Air National Guard Service

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Segment Synopsis: Returning to the US, she became disillusioned with the staff nursing positions available and wanted to start a family. This led to her discharge. Shortly after, her husband joined the Air National Guard and they relocated to Philadelphia. Higgins joined the Guard shortly after to ensure a pension after she retires. In her Guard unit, she led immunizations, then became education coordinator.

Keywords: Air National Guard; Immunizations; McGuire Air Force Base; Vaccines; Willowgrove Naval Air Station; Discharge

Subjects: Air Force -- Air Force Nurse Corps; United States. Air Force; Military nursing--United States--History

01:17:29 - Gulf War, Desert Storm and Operation Southern Watch

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Segment Synopsis: Higgins helped her unit be prepared medically for Desert Storm, but was not directly impacted by the Gulf War. During Operation Southern Watch, her husband was deployed to Iraq for 30 days. Higgins requested and was granted a stint in Iraq after husband returned. She was temporarily stuck at Aviano Air Base since Greece wouldn't allow the US to fly over. She remarks about the heat in Kuwait causing many health issues, and discussed helping detonate unexploded ammunitions.

Keywords: Aviano Air Base; Desert Storm; Kuwait; Operation Southern Watch; ammunitions; Gulf War

Subjects: Air Force -- Air National Guard; Gulf War (1990-2000); Military nursing--United States--History; Iraq War, 2003-2011

01:40:43 - Final 10 years of National Guard service

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Segment Synopsis: Higgins shares her time in Michigan setting up trainings with mock attacks and mass casualty exercises. As Lieutenant Colonel with almost 20 years in, she was ready to retire. However, she got promoted to Colonel and stayed an additional three years. She retired in 2001 and moved to North Carolina.

Keywords: 9/11; Colonel; Promotion; Michigan

Subjects: Military nursing--United States--History; Air Force -- Air National Guard