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00:00:00 - Introduction, early life and enlistment

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Segment Synopsis: Knott was raised in a military family, moving around the world in her formative years including almost 10 years in Libya during the height of the Cold War. Her father did two tours in Vietnam before his retirement. She was married right after high school, had kids and joined the army at 34 years old.

Keywords: Ft Gordon; Libya

Subjects: 1960-1969; United States. Army--Women; Vietnam Era (1964-1974); 1950-1959

00:22:25 - Basic training, AIT and first deployment

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Segment Synopsis: Knott physically struggled with basic training, but made it through. She took Spanish and trained to be an interrogator in DLI. Her first deployment was translating documents in Panama.

Keywords: Ft Bragg; Panama; Ft Jackson

Subjects: United States. Army--Women; 1980-1989

00:32:30 - Reenlistment, officers' school and return to Ft Bragg

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Segment Synopsis: Knott attended DLI in Monterey and picked up Russian. She was in Monterey for almost five years while her husband stayed with their children in North Carolina. She shares her views on the differences in treatment of both officers and women.

Keywords: Ft Bragg; Gender Roles; Monterey

Subjects: 1980-1989; Gulf War (1990-2000); Post-Vietnam, Panama, Grenada (1975-1989); United States. Army--Women

00:49:17 - Haiti and Frankfurt deployments, return to US

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Segment Synopsis: Knott was an interrogator in Haiti for six months, then returned to Ft. Bragg. She was then set to Frankfurt for four year in the last 1990s, and worked with both the Serb and Croatian army to inspect Bosnian troops. She felt she was treated fairly throughout her career and never experienced harassment based on gender. Post 9/11, she comments on the paranoia in the military and ongoing prejudice.

Keywords: 9/11; Bosnia; Frankfurt; Ft Bragg; Gender; Secual Harassment; Haiti

Subjects: Kosovo War, 1998-1999; United States. Army--Women; 1990-1999

01:21:37 - Discharge and final thoughts

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Segment Synopsis: In 2004, due to personal reasons Knott was ready to get out. She transitioned into the same role in a civilian capacity. The military helped her grow independence. She would not consider herself a feminist because she is currently in a traditional gender role with her husband.

Keywords: Womens liberation; Discharge

Subjects: 2000-2009; United States. Army--Women