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  • Tags: Poverty
Dear Mr. George Bush,<BR>I have noticed at the debates that you are a flip-flop. You have spent all your term as President for war and not for the poor. You said that you were getting to make America better with the no-child-left-behind act but…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>Starvation should not happen in a country like the United States of America. Why not take care of our country first, and worry about other countries later.<BR>A retired chef,<BR>Patrick…
Dear Mr. Bush,<BR>I have a few issues that I need to discuss, including poverty, racism and starvation. I feel if you want to be re-elected, you should take these issues into consideration, because I believe many people feel this way. I believe…

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Dear next President,<BR>To make America happier, I want to drive around the world, while bringing food and feed the poor. And give some stuff to them too.<BR>From,<BR>Sophie, age 8<BR>(Wells)

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Dear next President,<BR>I want peace and let the poor not be poor.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Isabella, age 7

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Dear Mr. President:<br><br>What do you plan to do after your last term to foster stability and a sustainable infrastructure for under-resourced communities who do not have necessary access to seminal financial resources?<br>In…
Dear Mr. President, <br> I am really disappointed with how you disregard the poor. I also think it would be really helpful if you paid more attention to the price of higher education. I think college should be a right and not a privledge.…
Dear Mr. or Mrs. President,<BR>While I have many things to say, I will only be proud to call myself an American when there is equality for all, including the right to marry whomever I love and when poverty is abolished in our country. Until…
Dear President,<BR>Steal from the rich and give to the fucking poor. Do what's right and necessary to reduce poverty in our country.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Katy Murphy<BR>St. Mary's College

Dear President,<BR>My greatest wish for your presidency is that you show another face of America to the world. If we spent one-third of the money that we've spent on weapons instead on education, poverty reduction and health measures we could…
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