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  • Tags: Quotes
Dearest next President,<BR>I wish you well, hoping you will be able to keep an open mind despite any hardships you may face. Also, an important quote from an unknown source to consider: You will be fulfilled when you do the impossible for…
To Mr. Bush,<BR>No more lies and manipulation. ""Permanent good can never be the outcome of untruth and violence."" -- Mahatma Gandi<BR>Sincerely,<BR>David Eng<BR>Atlanta

Dear President,<BR>""Every gun that's made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, these who are cold and not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money…

To Whom it May Concern:<BR>""The devil lives inside the hearts of the selfish and wicked."" Immortal Technique<BR>Don't give the devil a home. Don't mortgage the future for the present.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Cosmo

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Dear Mr. President,<BR>Will there ever be a day when Americans know the names of poets the way they know the names of sports stars?<BR>My favorite poem is by John Ashbery and it's composed of movie titles. It's called ""They knew what…

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Madam President,<BR>I just want to remind you of what Pope Francis said to the senate and congress prior to Banner stepping down, ""you ALL need to get along""<BR> - Jean Dailey class of 1972

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