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  • Tags: Race
Dear fake-ass President,<BR>Why are the damn gas prices so high? Why did you react so slow to Katrina? I want to know, do you write your own speeches? Come talk to me at the University of Memphis about your future plans. Do you really like…

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Dear President,<br>As the first black president, I hope that you're able to live up to your expectations. And part of your expectations should be the thought and care and humanity for the rest of us. I think that it's most important that other…
Dear President,<br>I am truly excited about your new title. It is really exciting to have our first African American president of the United States of America. I remember you when we worked in Chicago. You were my representative when I lived in…

Dear President,<BR>Help me help you end racism in rural North Carolina. Help me help you end environmental destruction. Help me help you bring power to the peaceful.<BR><BR>Sincerely,<BR><BR>Sally Jacobs<BR>Casar,…
Dear President,<BR>I hope you remember very clearly the mother and grandmother who raised you. I hope you realize that the poisons of sexism and racism are snakes that live side by side in this culture. During this campaign I have missed my own…
Dear President,<BR>I would like the race of America to be more laid back. Install a very good sense of humor.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Lynette Bulule<BR>Pitzer College

Dear Mr. President,<br>My name is Carol. I appreciate all your hard work and efforts. I do consider you to be one of our greatest presidents. I hope you run for office again. Your greatest impact has been on a group of young African Americans I…
Dear Obama,<br>I listened to your podcast with Mark Maron. You spoke on race to eloquently...I think the most eloquently a president has spoken on race. Thank you for setting a good example.<br>Sincerely<br>Rebecca Barue
Dear Mr. President:<br>First and foremost, thank you for what you have done for our country and the advancement of all people. So many times, I have wanted to have conversations with you to understand how you handle it all. Being a young black…
Dear Mr. President,<br>I sincerely believe you are a non American citizen which therefore makes you a traitor. Our forefathers must be rolling in their graves right now. Our forefathers whanted a Christian nation not a Muslim whichamjigger.…
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