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  • Tags: Women's issues
Dear President,<BR>I'm worried that our nation will never see the day that all Americans receive healthcare. I'm worried that my brothers and sisters will die fighting an unjust war. I'm worried about the sovereignty of my uterus. I'm worried…
Hillary Clinton, I brought my five year old daughter to vote with me but I realized with some irony that my daughter will never know a time where a woman could not be president. As I told her, she looked at me with this big 'so what?' look, and…
Dear Sir or Madame,<BR>Please remember that when you make your decisions to reflect on the long-term outcome and not just the short-term.<BR> As an American woman, please remember women's rights and do not take them…
Dear Donald Trump,<BR>I think you're a horrible person. I think Hillary Clinton is a horrible person too. Hillary Clinton embodies everything that I hate and I thought that even though you are so ignorant and so bigoted that you would be…
Dear Hillary Clinton,<br>There are many targets in the United States of America. We have and are still being abused. I am an African American woman who has been a target for many years. What can you do to stop this secret, closed-mouthed…
Dear Mr. President,<br>I am proud that you are president and I am proud of the strong women in your family. A good example for us all!<br>Beth and Bruce
Dear Mr. or Mrs. President,<BR>END PATRIARCHY. Women will no longer tolerate being defined by their ability to be fucked by men.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Bridget Deterding<BR>St. Mary's College<BR>p.s. Watch the ""Vagina…
Dear Mr. President,<br>I would like to say that the American women in our society play a very important role in our country. I hope that you will respect our opinion and the power of our vote. We are one of the most important people that most…
Dear Hillary,<BR>Do not foresake us. We need you to address the problems of the poor in our ccountry. I understand that you need money to do your work please do you compromise too much. I trust that you will take care of the reproductive rights…
Dear Mr. Trump,<br>You are making a lot of enemies at the moment in your running to be President of the United States. Some of the things you say can come along a little harsh. I believe in some of the things that you say, but you have no…
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