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  • Tags: Women's issues
Dearest next president,<br>It is with great hope and passion that I write to you and request that you bring this country to a safer, better level. As a 53-year-old Latin woman, my desire is to see a president fulfill many of the wishes that…
Dear President,<br>Please'<br>Era<br>Marriage rights for everyone<br>Stop Global Warming<br>Retirement with dignity not poverty<br>Free education<br>Tell the truth.<br>Sincerely,<br>Lorie…
Dear Senator Clinton,<br>Thank you for hitting the glass ceiling and cracking it. As we have to support our friends, as women always do, I'm sure you'll do a great job. Advise him well and thank you for all you've done and for your future…
Dear President,<br>You were not my candidate - I was one of the Hillary Clinton women. But what's important is that you continue to hear our concerns. I kept on my mirror a list of all the reasons I felt she should be the candidate. Perhaps the…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I'm very annoyed at the sexist nature of the press. The way they're interviewing candidates for the presidency is different for male or female. And it is very clear to me that the only female candidate is not treated the…
Dear President,<BR>I hope you remember very clearly the mother and grandmother who raised you. I hope you realize that the poisons of sexism and racism are snakes that live side by side in this culture. During this campaign I have missed my own…
Dear Mr. or Mrs. President,<BR>END PATRIARCHY. Women will no longer tolerate being defined by their ability to be fucked by men.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Bridget Deterding<BR>St. Mary's College<BR>p.s. Watch the ""Vagina…
Dear President,<BR>I think that it is important to pay close attention to more environmental issues and women's reproductive rights. I think these are two very important issues that effect our nation as a whole and are often overlooked, but are…
Dear Mr. President,<br>Thank you for your commitment to affordable healthcare especially to women and their reproductive needs.<br>thanks<br>Sarah
Dear Mr. President:<br>I would like to thank you for making women's issues national issues.<br>Sincerely,<br>Sage Shemroske
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