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  • Tags: Gay rights-pro
As a concerned citizen, to all candidates:<br>Please help Puerto Rico instead of communist Cuba.<br>Sincerely,<br>A Concerned Citizen
Dear President,<BR>I wish someday I'll be able to marry the man I want to marry, and live a happy life like many Americans.<BR><BR>Sincerely,<BR>David Mathews<BR>Saugerties, NY
Hi Mr. Bush,<BR>please don't pursue a consitutional amendment that would keep my mommiesfrom getting married. And bring home my brother-in-law from Iraq.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Leslie Wilder<BR>Austin, Texas
Dear President,<BR>I wish someday I'll be able to marry the man I want to marry, and live a happy life like many Americans.<BR><BR>Sincerely,<BR>David Mathews<BR>Saugerties, NY
Dear Mr. President,<br>My concern is for all the homosexual people in our nation. I feel it is unfair that they are not allowed to marry each other because of fundamental beliefs in ancient traditions and morality that do not necessarilty apply…
Dear Mr. President,<br>The last 8 years have been so horrible for members of the gay-lesbian-bisexual and transgender communities. I hope that you'll make it a commitment of the next four years to be a president that stands for equality for all…
Dear President-elect Obama,<br>I am still floating on air after the incredible realization that our country was ready for the change you represent. My greatest hope is that the people will become an active part in the ideals your election seems…
Dear Mr. Obama,<br> I am afraid. I am afraid that I will not be able to adopt a child with my husband. I am also afraid that I may end up getting drafted into a war I do not fully understand or support. I am afraid that horizons of trees will…
Dear Mr. President,<br>We've been having a lot of economic crisis in the U.S. lately. I hope you won't continue the practice cutting taxes to give people more money because it doesn't seem to work. I have faith that you can solve the economic…
Dear President Obama,<br>You are so cute! Can you play the flute! Come on! Give it a toot!<br>Best wishes,<br>truly yours,<br>and then some!<br>Zac Monday<br>UCSD<br>A gay second-class citizen
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