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  • Tags: Homelessness
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I'm really proud to be homeless. I live with my cousin under a fruit stand. He's a U.S. Naval vteran. And you're not helpingIn the words of Dick Cheney, go fuc kyourself.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Elizabeth Lee…
Dear Mr. President, I don't know how you can sleep at night knowing how many men and woman have had todie so that your friend Mr. Cheney can get richer. Chame on you. Gay marriage now!<BR>Best regards,<BR>Eric Suteliffe<BR>New York…
Dear Mr. Bush,<BR>Did we not learn anything from ietnam? That was a jungle war with politics involved. This is a personal religious war yuu're waging. How can you spend so much money on this personal jihad when Vietnam veterans are starving and…
Dear President, I would like to know why the system has failed us, why the government has failed us? Do you have to go to war in our own communities in order to get some attention for low income housing and other help for poor people. Mr. President,…
(cont.)<BR>As you know and as every President before you know, the Section 8 program is a valuable program to help the mentally impaired, the disabled and the elderly and low-income families and singles to have permanant housing. Wihout this…
(cont p. 3)<BR>toend homelessness> Or do it sound like a plan to increase homelessness? Mr. President we need your help, we need your assistance, in this great country to help the poor, the people that cannot help themselves. Stop…
Dear not-my president,<br>my name is Jose Majias. I am one of these people that is homeless. What are you doing inthe world is wrong. I crya every night because I want a home. I want an education. If you supposed to be the president of the…
Dear President,<br>We need peace. The economy is so bad. The homeless population is suffering, children are suffering, minori ties are suffering. It's been very difficult. As the President, see how you can help the citizens here. Thank…
Hi George,<br>I just want to drop you a few lines to let you know how I'm doing. I'm doing bad. I gotta go to court on Monday on a harassment charge and on Friday I goto court for stalking. I'm homeless and I'm porr. And I ain't saw a bed in a…
Dear President Obama,<br>Take care of the homeless. We need to give them food, clothing, shelter, water, everything. That's it.<br> Sincerely,<br>Merrill
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