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  • Tags: Energy
Dear Presiend,<br>We need to have a national ID card, which should be the passport. This will create jobs as 1 million passports = 100 jobs.<br>I wish that an all-out effort be made to teach people to conserve energy and to give…
Dear Mr. President,<br>Please be brave and take the first big step to energy efficiency and sustainability. Human action is now causing irreversible damage to the earth. Please act in a way that the world will take notice.<br>Sincere and…
Dear Mr. President,<br>I think if there was one thing to focus on, it would be energy. The country that owns the best energy solution, owns the next century. Does the U.S. want to own the next century?<br>As always, I am Dave Rigali

Dear Mr. President,<br>I know things are a little tough right now but youre headed in the right direction keep things going, keep working for change. You got a good start on healthcare, let's work for universal healthcare. We want an affordable…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>We've been wanting electricty for over 30 years. They keep saying that we can have electricity but there's no electricity. Maybe you could help with that. We've been living on batteries since I was a kid. Because of that…
Dear President Obama,<br>Please reconsider your position on nuclear energy. Despite its numerous flaws, it seems to me the most viable solution to our country's energy needs.<br>Please bring as many troops home as safely as possible…
Dear Mr. President,<br>First off, let me say that I am proud to call you my president. I have great hopes for your term in office. My wishes to are to lessen our dependency on foreign oil and possible pursue research in bacteria…
Dear Mr. President,<br>I'd like to congratulate you on your victory. You can thank me later. I really hope that you stick to your environmentally conscious ways when it comes to renewable energy. I hope Air Force 1 is chill. I hope your Town…
Dear Mr. President,<rb>It's time to start thinking about countries other than America. Let's set a precedent for peace by beginning with our country. Improving education both here and abroad and reducing hate crimes is a good place to start.…
To the future President,<br>I hope you keep in mind the health and well-being of our future children through creating a much more peaceful environment, searching for alternative energy sources and stopping war.<br>Sincerely,<br>and…
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