Gay Student Organization Flyer

In November 1974, this flyer promoting the first meeting of a gay student organization was attached to a bulletin board in the School of Music (now Brown) Building. This flyer was brought to the attention of both Jim H. Allen, UNCG’s Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, and Chancellor James S. Ferguson.

Fiver years later, UNCG’s Student Government Association officially recognized the Gay Student Union as a campus organization. Reverend Joe Flora, Presbyterian Pastor for Campus Ministries, served as the group’s faculty advisor. The stated mission of the Gay Student Union was: (1) “to educate the public about legal, social, and personal aspects of homosexuality,” (2) “to provide a support system for those in the organization,” and (3) “to represent the homosexual portion of the student body in matters relevant to homosexual students.” The first meeting of the Gay Student Union as an official university-recognized organization took place on October 25, 1979.

Supplemental Materials

LGBTQ+ campus life articles

Article about the UNCG Gay Student Union

Spartan Story about the Founding of the UNCG LGBT Student Organization

PRIDE! Records

WCUNC Megaphone JoAnne Smart Drane’s Typewriter